Saturday, March 16, 2013

Publications: New Project Publications by APN (15 Mar 2013)

New Project Publications

The following project related output has been published and can be downloaded from its project metadata page.
Final Report: Strengthening Capacity for Policy Research on Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture and Water Sectors (CRP2011-01CMY-Pereira)
Final Report: Assessing Vulnerability of Communities and Understanding Policy Implications of Adaptation Responses to Flood-Related Landslides in Asia (ARCP2008-09CMY)
Final Report: Capability Enhancement of the Local Experts from State Universities and Colleges in Assessing Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity of Crop-based Farming Systems in Various Agroecological Settings (ACBA2011-15NSY-Wagan)
Final Report: Developing an MRV system for REDD+: Scaling up from project level to a national level REDD + MRV systems for Laos and Vietnam (EBLU2011-02CMY(C)-Skole)


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