Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Call for paper: Tenth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability 2014 (Deadline: 21 Mar 2013)

On Sustainability

Tenth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural,
Economic, and Social Sustainability

The University of Split, Split, Croatia

22-24 January 2014

Submit a Conference Proposal

To learn more about preparing and submitting your conference proposal, including guidelines, deadlines, and "how-to" information, go to Submitting Your Work: Conference Presentations.
The 2014 Sustainability Conference will be held at the University of Split in Split, Croatia from 22-24, January 2014.  This year’s conference will feature a special theme: World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Development.  The conference will feature sessions on a breadth of topics relevant to Sustainability.  Proposals for paper presentations, workshops, roundtables or colloquia are invited, addressing sustainability studies through one of the following themes:
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Sustainability in Economic, Social & Cultural Context
  • Sustainability Policy & Practice
  • Sustainability Education

The upcoming deadline for proposal submissions is 21 March 2013.  

Please visit our website for more information on submitting your proposal, future deadlines, and registering for the conference.
Presenters have the option to submit completed papers to The Sustainability Collection of Journals.  If you are unable to attend the conference in person, virtual registrations include the option to submit a video presentation, and/or submission to the one of the journals for peer review and possible publication, as well as subscriber access to the journals.

Split and the next Sustainability Conference

Entering its tenth year, the Sustainability Conference meets annually to discuss the four fundamentals of sustainability in today’s changing world.  The Sustainability Conference serves as an open forum for exploring sustainability from many perspectives.  Being one of the most popular Croatian tourist destinations, Split, is ideally suited to examine this year’s theme ‘World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Development.’

Conference Details

To learn more about the conference, including speakers, session formats, venue, registration, and the like, stay in The Conference section of the website and use the navigation bar on the left to access desired information.

For more information: 


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