Saturday, March 9, 2013

Events: Earth Hour 2013 organized by WWF on 23 Mar 2013

Earth Hour 2013


Earth Hour 2013 will be on 8:30pm, Saturday 23 March 2013
 / ©: WWF-Hong Kong
© WWF-Hong Kong
Since its creation, Earth Hour has given people everywhere a chance to collaborate and take action in a global-scale event, and a chance to have their concerns about climate change voiced to the world.

In addressing the threat of climate change and helping to reduce Hong Kong’s ecological footprint, an important part of WWF’s work in Hong Kong involves helping people understand how simple everyday actions reduce our carbon footprint and impact the world’s resources.
Earth Hour 2009 kids' flag / ©: WWF-Hong Kong
© WWF-Hong Kong
2009 marked Hong Kong's first major participation in Earth Hour. Led by WWF-Hong Kong, the city's involvement in Earth Hour spreads a powerful message that as one of Asia's leading cities, Hong Kong cares about climate change. We can act together to make a difference through a simple action that anyone can participate in.

The enthusiasm for Earth Hour in Hong Kong's community and media at large reached levels never before seen.
 / ©: Ringo Ma / WWF-Hong Kong
© WWF-Hong Kong
2.9 million people of Hong Kong participated in Earth Hour, joining the global voice from around the world. A survey conducted after Earth Hour showed that 99 percent of all participants wanted to take action in their daily lives to save energy and reduce their impact on the environment.

In addition, the victoria habour went dark in that hour, over 1,800 of Hong Kong’s major buildings and landmarks switched off their lights for Earth Hour, including the International Financial Centre, the Cultural Centre Complex and the Tsing Ma Bridge. More than 600 companies, organizations and over 160 schools and all universities joined millions of individuals in support of WWF-Hong Kong’s call for action on climate change.

With over 4,000 cities from 88 countries participating in Earth Hour, the campaign sent a strong message to world leaders attending the Copenhagen UN climate summit in December 2009, urging them to agree on a new global climate deal aimed at protecting the future of our planet.

WWF invites every Hong Kong individual to live every day like it’s Earth Hour day. Adopt a low-carbon lifestyle and be part of the solution in tackling climate change.
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