Friday, March 8, 2013

Call for paper: Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities: Asian Urbanism and Beyond organized by CUHK (4 Apr 2013 Deadline)

Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities: Asian Urbanism and Beyond (15-17 Aug 2013)

Call for paper
Authors are encouraged to explore the following themes and reflect upon the relevancy and utility of related Western theories in the Asian context:

          ● The developmental/entrepreneurial state in Asia
          ● Asian world cities: drivers and consequences
          ● Mega urban projects
          ● Urban challenges

Submission Requirements
1. Abstract

Authors should submit the abstracts according to the following requirements:

 Abstracts should be written in English;
 Text should be 12-point, in Times New Roman Font, left-justified and single-spaced with one inch margin on all sides;
 Author(s) name(s) and all author affiliations should be included;
 Abstracts should be text only. Graphics, pictures or graphs should not be included;
 Abstracts should include:
    Title of Paper
    Author(s) – Presenting author’s name to be highlighted in bold
    Institutional Affiliation/ Address/ Email
    Abstract text (maximum 500 words). Suggested subsections: context, central theme or hypothesis; methodology and expected outcomes/major findings
    3-5 keywords

Please submit the abstract in Microsoft Word format (File name: Author’s Surname_Given Name_Abstract.doc, e.g. Chan_Tai_Man_abstract.doc) to on or before 1 April 2013.

2. Full Paper

Authors should submit the full paper according to the following requirements:

Paper Format
 The paper must not exceed 6,000 words (excluding figures, tables, appendices and references);
 The title should be bold and centered;
 Main paragraph should be 12-point, in Times New Roman Font, left-justified and single-spaced;
 Paragraph headings should be bold and left-justified.

All the references should be cited according to the following formats:
Alexander, E.R., 2007. Planning rights and the implications. Planning Theory, Vol.6(2), pp.112-126.
Hohfeld, W., 2000. Fundamental legal Conceptions: as applied in judicial reasoning. NJ: Lawbook Exchange Ltd.

Authors could download the sample paper()  for reference and please submit the full paper in Microsoft Word format (File name: Author’s Surname_Given Name_Paper.doc, e.g. Chan_Tai_Man_Paper.doc) to on or before 30 June 2013.

Important dates
Abstract submission deadline: 1 April 2013
Notification of results: 2 May 2013
Full paper submission deadline: 30 June 2013


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