Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Publication: Green Carbon, Black Trade: Illegal logging, tax fraud and laundering in the world's tropical forests by UNEP (2012)

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Green Carbon, Black Trade: Illegal logging, tax fraud and laundering in the world's tropical forests

This report Green Carbon, Black Trade by UNEP and INTERPOL focuses on illegal logging and its impacts on the lives and livelihoods of often some of the poorest people in the world set aside the environmental damage. It underlines how criminals are combining old fashioned methods such as bribes with high tech methods such as computer hacking of government web sites to obtain transportation and other permits. The report spotlights the increasingly sophisticated tactics being deployed to launder illegal logs through a web of palm oil plantations, road networks and saw mills.

Year of Publication: 2012
Author: UNEP
ISBN No: 978-82-7701-102-8
Price US $: -
Stock Number: -
PDF Available at: Green Carbon, Black Trade: Illegal logging, tax fraud and laundering in the world's tropical forests
Number of Pages: 72

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