Saturday, March 16, 2013

Publication: Climate change and its impact on population health in southern China: implication for adaptation policy published by Adapting to Climate Change in China (16 Mar 2013)


Climate change and its impact on population health in southern China: implication for adaptation policy

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Climate change has become an increasingly important public health concern in China. This policy brief is part of the Adapting to Climate Change in China (ACCC) project's Guangdong Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (GDCDC) first comprehensive study of the health impacts of climate change and related adaptation policies in China. The briefing summarises findings from this research, including the following key messages.
  • Extreme climate events in the Guangdong province have increased the risk of mortality and infectious diseases.
  • Vulnerability to heat waves is higher in economically undeveloped regions.
  • Improved cooperation between meteorological and health departments is needed to build up monitoring systems on climate change and public health in the Guangdong province.
  • Multi-sectoral early warning systems would significantly help to minimise adverse health impacts of climate change.
  • Risk communication strategies, education, awareness projects and adaptation policies should be developed at a provincial authority level to improve risk perception and further reduce the adverse health impacts of climate change.

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