Wednesday, March 13, 2013

New Book: Gender and Natural Resource Management Livelihoods, Mobility and Interventions Edited by Bernadette P. Resurreccion, Rebecca Elmhirst (4 Mar 2013)

Gender and Natural Resource Management

Livelihoods, Mobility and Interventions

Edited by Bernadette P. ResurreccionRebecca Elmhirst

Published 4th March 2013 by Routledge – 288 pages

This book is about the gender dimensions of natural resource exploitation and management, with a focus on Asia. It explores the uneasy negotiations between theory, policy and practice that are often evident within the realm of gender, environment and natural resource management, especially where gender is understood as a political, negotiated and contested element of social relationships. It offers a critical feminist perspective on gender relations and natural resource management in the context of contemporary policy concerns: decentralized governance, the elimination of poverty and the ?mainstreaming? of gender. Through a combination of strong conceptual argument and empirical material from a variety of political economic and ecological contexts (including Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam), the book examines gender-environment linkages within shifting configurations of resource access and control. The book will serve as a core resource for students of gender studies and natural resource management, and as supplementary reading for a wide range of disciplines including geography, environmental studies, sociology and development. It also provides a stimulating collection of ideas for professionals looking to incorporate gender issues within their practice in sustainable development. Published with IDRC.

Introduction *
Gender, Environment and Natural Resource Management: New Dimensions, New Debates *
Part I: Contextualizing Gender and Natural Resource Governance in Neo-liberal Times *
Gender, Doi Moi and Coastal Resource Management in the Red River Delta,Vietnam *
Intensification Regimes in Village-Based Silk Production, Northeast Thailand: Boosts (and Challenges) to Women�s Authority *
Multi-Local Livelihoods, Natural Resource Management and Gender in Upland Indonesia *
Women�s Land Rights in Rural China: Current Situation and Likely Trends * 
Part II: Gender Interventions:Targeting Women in Sustainable Development Projects *
Autonomy Reconstituted: Social and Gender Implications of Resettlement on the Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia *
Do Women-Only Approaches to Natural Resource Management Help Women? The Case of Community Forestry in Nepal *
Gender, Legitimacy and Patronage-driven Participation: Fisheries Management in the Tonle Sap Great Lake, Cambodia *
Gender, Microcredit and Conservation at Caohai: An Attempt to Link Women, Conservation and Development * 
Part III: Responding to Intervention: Gender, Knowledge and Authority *
Insider/Outsider Politics: Implementing Gendered Participation in Water Resource Management *
Gathered Indigenous Vegetables in Mainland Southeast Asia: A Gender Asset *
Religion, Gender and the Environment in Asia: Moving Beyond the Essentialisms of Spiritual Ecofeminism *


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