Saturday, March 30, 2013

Call for Proposals: 2013 Pacific Rim Energy & Sustainability Conference (Deadline: 30 Apr 2013)

For more information:

The 2013 Pacific Rim Energy & Sustainability Conference invites scholarly interactions among academics, researchers, doctoral students, and representatives from industry, as well as think tanks, non-profit / non-governmental organization professionals to submit research abstracts and research papers.

As the fields of energy and sustainability cross over into multiple disciplines, authors are welcome to submit from a range of topics, perspectives, and disciplines. The range of research submissions may include conceptual, empirical, experimental, and case studies.

We invite proposals to be submitted through our online system. Proposals should focus on one of the four following areas: Sustainable EnergySustainable ConsumptionResiliency, or Policy Needs.

Key Dates
Abstracts DueApril 30, 2013
Presenter Registration DeadlineJuly 15, 2013
Full Papers DueSeptember 30, 2013
Proceedings ReleasedOctober 15, 2013

Sustainable Energy
Sustainable Consumption
Policy Needs
Other (please specify)

Special Topics

The future of electricity generation in a post-Fukushima world:
Are we on track to return to coal and oil with parallel CO2 emissions?
What might the economics of power generation look like in the 5-10 year time frame? 50 years?
Renewable energy? Safety? Conservation? Societal implications?

Submission Guidelines

1) Abstracts must be a maximum of 300 words and include the following items, (1) Title of abstract/research paper; and (2) Full names, academic rank or job title, contact information and email addresses, names of institution or firm for all authors and co-authors.

2) Abstracts must focus on scientific results or their application and the broader impacts of the research findings. The Review Committee may decline to consider abstracts that do not meet both of these items.

3) Submitted papers or posters may be placed in a different, more appropriate session than the one to which it was submitted.

4) The preferred type of presentation, platform or poster should be made clear with the abstract submission. Every effort to accommodate authors preference will be made; however the Review Committee has final control over the program.

5) Payment of the registration fee is required for inclusion in the schedule and proceedings.

6) Co-authors also wishing to attend and present must register separately in order to attend sessions and receive a Certificate of Presentation.

7) Submission of an abstract carries with it the obligation to give a presentation in the designated manner assigned by the Review Committee. Permission to publish in the conference program is implied.

8) An individual cannot present another person’s paper, if their name is not listed as an author on the abstract.

9) Submissions derived from plagiarized or copyrighted research will automatically be rejected.

10) If the submitted research paper or results have been previously published in another journal, it will not be accepted.

Oral Presenters

1) Oral presenters will be allotted 30 minutes to present, including comments and questions. If two or more co-authors will present together, the allotted time is still only 30 minutes. The session chair will field questions after all panel members have presented.

2) The session chair is expected to handle three tasks, (1) briefly introduce each panelist; (2) serve as a time moderator to ensure equal presentation times; and (3) to field questions and stimulate discussion after the final presentation.

3) Seating arrangement for oral presentations will be theater style with a table at the front.

4) Each room will be equipped with a projector and a screen. If you are using an Apple computer, please be sure to bring the proper adapter for connecting to the projector.

5) Computers will not be provided for presenters. We kindly ask that you bring your own computer, or to bring a flash memory USB drive with your presentation on it.

Poster Presenters

1) Poster presenters will be scheduled at times chosen maximum audience exposure.

2) The duration of each poster session will be approximately two hours.

3) Poster boards mounted on stands will be provided. Also, masking tape will be provided.

4) Posters must be set up 15 minutes before the start of the session and taken down within 30 minutes after the session ends. Display materials not removed following conclusion of the session will be discarded.

5) Poster materials should include the title of the presentation and the list of authors. Bring all illustrations needed — figures, tables, color photographs, charts.

6) Common dimensions for posters are 107cm x 107cm; 107cm x 122cm; or 107cm x 132cm.

7) Poster material should be well labeled and easy to read from a distance of one meter. Lettering should be bold. If you will be posting typed material, use a large font size (24 to 30 pt) on white, pale yellow or cream-colored non-glossy paper. Avoid use of non-standard fonts. Use 1-inch margins. Use upper and lower case letters.

8) No audiovisual equipment is permitted for poster presentations.


Oral presenters are not required to submit a full paper to be included in the Conference Proceedings.
All submissions to the Conference will undergo a blind review process. The Proceedings will be published in electronic format only.

Full Paper Template

In an effort to assist the author in preparing and formatting the paper, these instructions present the specifications for formatting the elements of the paper. All papers must follow these guidelines. All artwork, tables, and graphs must be correctly inserted into the final paper.

The Full Paper will not exceed 2500 word-equivalents (i.e. inclusive of tables, figures, bibliographic citations and supplemental material and shall be submitted in PDF format with all artwork, tables and graphs correctly inserted into the final paper.

The PRESCO 2013 Full Paper Template will be uploaded and available for downloading after March 10, 2013.


For information or questions regarding submissions, please send an email to:


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