Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Publication: The demography of adaptation to climate change by G. Martine (9 Mar 2013)

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The demography of adaptation to climate change

By G. Martine

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Understanding and reducing climate vulnerability are at the centre of effective adaptation. According to this publication, a broader understanding of the drivers of social change is essential in order to avoid superficial, overly general and deterministic perspectives. Politics and an oversimplified understanding of demographic dynamics have long kept population issues out of climate negotiations. Therefore, this publication aims to provide a framework for bringing demographic considerations into the debate and to facilitate more evidence-based adaptation planning and actions. It presents key concepts linking demography and adaptation, data foundations and techniques for analysing climate vulnerability, as well as case studies where these concepts have been used to analyse vulnerability and resilience. The publication also includes case studies on the planning and practice of adaptation, with a particular emphasis on urbanisation and social inclusion.

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