Saturday, March 30, 2013

Call For Papers: The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and the Environment (Deadline: 15 Apr 2013)

Call For Papers deadline extended - April 15 2013

Special Theme: "Sustainability, Society and the Environment: Searching for Synergies"

The conference theme is "Sustainability, Society and the Environment: Searching for Synergies" and the organizers encourage submissions that approach this question from a variety of perspectives. However, the submission of other topics for consideration is welcome and we also encourage sessions within and across a variety of disciplines and fields related to Sustainability, Energy and the Environment, including the following streams:

Environmental Sustainability & Human Consumption: Food and Water, Hunger and Thirst
Environmental Sustainability & Human Consumption: Waste
Environmental Sustainability & Environmental Management: Freshwater, Oceans and Seas
Environmental Sustainability & Environmental Management: Land Use & Misuse
Environmental Sustainability & Environmental Management: Atmosphere and Air

Cultural Sustainability: Protecting, Preserving and Conserving

Economic Sustainability: Environmental Challenges and Economic Growth
Economic Sustainability: Sustainable Businesses and CSR

Social Sustainability & Social Justice
Social Sustainability, War and Peace
Social Sustainability & Sustainable Living

Energy: Environmental Degradation
Energy: Renewable Energy and Environmental Solutions
Energy: Energy Economics and Ecological Economics

Call for Papers

Submission procedure

Please note that you are asked to submit only ONE proposal of any kind to the ACSEE 2013 conference. The deadline for submissions is February 1 April 15, 2013.

Individual Presenter (30 minutes paper/60 minutes workshop)
You can submit a proposal to present an individual paper or give a workshop at ACSEE 2013 under the open call for papers. Please submit through the online system by clicking on the ONLINE SUBMISSIONS SYSTEM button below. You will be asked to create your own personal account before you will be able to upload your proposal. You can then return to the system at any time using your user name and password to edit your information and submission. Your proposal will normally be reviewed within two weeks.

If your proposal is accepted you will be invited to register for the conference. Upon payment of the registration fee your paper or workshop will be scheduled for presentation. If you wish your paper to be published in the conference proceedings, please ensure that a paper is uploaded through the online system by July 1 2013.

Virtual Presenter
We understand that some presenters will be unable to make the trip to Japan to present their paper, mainly due to financial and/or political restrictions on travel. ACSEE 2013 has therefore instituted a virtual presentation system to allow the authors of accepted proposals the same publication opportunities as regular presenters.

You can submit a proposal for virtual presentation under the open call for papers through the online system by clicking on the ONLINE SUBMISSIONS SYSTEM button below. You will be asked to create your own personal account before you will be able to upload your proposal. You can then return to the system at any time using your user name and password to edit your information and submission. Your proposal will normally be reviewed within two weeks.

If your proposal is accepted you will be invited to register for the conference as a virtual presenter. Upon payment of the registration fee your paper will be listed as a virtual presentation. If you wish your paper to be published in the conference proceedings, please ensure that a paper is uploaded through the online system by July 1 2013.

We do not allow presentations by video-conferencing but virtual presenters are encouraged to upload a video of their presentation onto the ACSEE 2013 Youtube conference channel. Information on how to do this will be given to you following registration.
Following the conference you will be mailed a conference pack including a printed copy of the ACSEE 2013 programme, and a receipt/certificate of virtual participation. 

Panel Organizers (90 minutes)

As the chair/organizer of a proposed panel, you can submit a proposal through the online system by clicking on the ONLINE SUBMISSIONS SYSTEM button below.

As the chair/organizer of the panel/colloquium, you will be asked to create your own personal account before you will be able to upload your proposal. You can then return to the system at any time using your user name and password to edit your information and submission. 
Panels should have at least four participants (including the chair). All the panel/colloquium participants must be listed in the submission, listing the chair or leader as the primary author, and the other presenters as co-authors. Panel organizers are responsible for the arrangement of all the presenters under their proposed topics, and should ensure that all are firmly committed.
Your proposal will normally be reviewed within two weeks. 
If your proposal is accepted you will be invited to register for the conference. Please ensure that you transmit the submission reference number to the other members of your colloquium and invite them to register in timely fashion. Upon payment of the registration fee of ALL PARTICIPANTS your colloquium will be scheduled in the conference programme.

If you, as the panel/colloquium chair, wish to publish a joint paper associated with the panel/colloquium in the conference proceedings, please ensure that a paper is uploaded through the online system by July 1 2013.

If you and your panel/colloquium members wish to publish separate papers then they will have to register individually with the system and submit their proposals for review.

General Information

Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be submitted by the deadline of February 1 April 15 2013.
All abstracts will be blind reviewed by a voluntary team, and authors will usually be notified of the decision of the reviewers within two weeks of submission. Those who submit near the February 1 April 15 deadline will usually receive confirmation of acceptance or rejection by February 15 May 1 2013.  
All accepted authors may have their full paper published in the online. Full text submission is due by July 1 2013
The deadline for full conference payment for all presenters is May 15 2013.

Proceedings Submission Deadlines

Deadline for submission of abstracts: February 1 April 15 2013
Results of abstract reviews returned to authors: Usually within two weeks of submitting an abstract 
Deadline for submission of full papers: July 1 2013
Deadline for full conference registration payment for all presenters: May 15 2013
ACSEE Conference: June 6-9 2013
Abstract Submission Process
Acceptance of Abstract: If your abstract is accepted by the review team and you pay the conference registration fee by the specified deadline, your submission will be scheduled in an appropriate session for oral or poster presentation at the conference.
Final Paper Submission Process
If your abstract is accepted for oral presentation, you are encouraged to submit a full paper before July 1 2013for inclusion in the ACSEE 2013 Conference Proceedings, to be published online. The full article should be submitted in Word (NOT pdf). Final papers should be uploaded through the submissions system. Please ensure that your paper is ready to go to press by the July 1 submission deadline, having thoroughly read the paper for errors. If English is not your first language then this is especially important. To facilitate easier processing, reviewing, and publishing all submissions, PLEASE follow this checklist:

  • 12-point Times New Roman font.

  • Single-spacing throughout the document. 

  • Double space (instead of indent) to designate a new paragraph or section. 

  • Page numbers at the bottom center of each page. 

  • Top, bottom, and side margins no less than 7/8 of an inch or 2.2 cm. 

  • Cover page that includes title, authors, their affiliations, their contact information, and the topic of the submission. 

  • Title, authors and affiliations repeated at the beginning of the body of the paper. 

  • Manuscript not to exceed 5000 words (excluding tables, figures and references). 
  • Manuscripts longer than 5,000 words will be returned for editing.

  • Graphs and visuals can be reproduced electronically.

Publication and Licensing Issues
Abstracts and follow-up full articles will be published in a conference proceedings volume to be made available online as part of the IAFOR research archive. Authors retain copyright in their work but through the act of submission to this conference are agreeing to a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License for their work to help ensure continued global access to the work over time. All publications produced for the conference, including abstracts, full papers and presentation slides will be openly archived eventually on the IAFOR site.


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