Saturday, March 9, 2013

Events: Seventh Regional EST Forum in Asia and Global Consultation on Sustainable Transport in the post 2015 Development Agenda in Bali, Indonesia on 23-25 Apr

Clean Air Initiative

Seventh Regional EST Forum in Asia and Global Consultation on Sustainable Transport in the post 2015 Development Agenda

23-25 Apr 2013
The integrated event of Seventh Regional EST Forum in Asia and Global Consultation on Sustainable Transport in the post 2015 Development Agenda will be held on 23-25 April 2013 in Bali, Indonesia. The Regional EST Forum, under the theme of “Next Generation Transport System We Want for 21st Century~ Looking Beyond Rio+20”, will provide an ample opportunities not only to discuss and share the progress and achievements made by the countries towards achieving the goals under the Bangkok 2020 Declarations but also to address EST in the context of the Rio+20 Outcomes - The Future We Want.
The Seventh EST Forum is expected to address a number of areas such as
  • EST in the Context of Rio+20 Outcome - The Future We Want, and the post 2015 global development agenda being prepared by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
  • Non-Motorized Transport (NMT), road safety and social equity
  • Promotion of Public Bicycle Schemes
  • Full Integration of Public Transport Modes
  • Intelligent Transport System: A Vision of 21st Century Cities
  • Regional connectivity (intra-region, rural-urban linkage, etc.) for sustainable development
  • Building resilient transport infrastructure and services through EST Measures
  • Financing Needs of Next Generation Sustainable Transport Systems for 21st Century
  • Institutional Arrangements in Realizing Next Generation Sustainable Transport Systems for 21st Century
  • Contribution of Railways towards realizing EST and sustainable development in the post Rio+20 development
  • The contribution towards realizing EST in Asia by the Rio+20 $ 175 billion voluntary commitment for more sustainable transport by eight multilateral development banks as well as other voluntary commitments on sustainable transport
  • Greenways initiative for converting road space into leaner parks and high quality pedestrian areas
  • Discussion on a Regional Agreement on Green freight in Asia, etc.
    Supporting Organizations and Partners:
    • United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA)
    • World Health Organization (WHO)
    • Asian Development Bank (ADB)
    • Clean Air Asia
    • Dutch Cycling Embassy
    • EMBARQ (The World Resources Institute’s Center for Sustainable Transport)
    • German International Cooperation (GIZ)
    • Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP)
    • The Korean Transport Institute (KOTI)
    • Nagoya Institute of Technology (NIT)
    • Nagoya University
    • Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT)
    • International Union of Railways (UIC)
    • International Association of Public Transport (UITP)
    • United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP)
    • United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN HABITAT)


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