Saturday, March 30, 2013

Publication: Charting New Waters State of Watershed Payments 2012 by Genevieve Bennett, Nathaniel Carroll, and Katherine Hamilton (29 Mar 2013)

Charting New Waters State of Watershed Payments 2012

Authors: Genevieve Bennett, Nathaniel Carroll, and Katherine Hamilton

Contributors: Michael Bennett, Marta Echavarria, Karol Fierro, and Heidi Huber-Stearns

January 2013

The latest report released by Forest Trends on incentive-based water protection. One is that investments in watershed protection are fast approaching a tipping point - rising 25% from the previous year and with 25% of all recorded investments occurring within last two years. The other is that investments in watershed protection have a long ways to go before they are more than a scant drop in the bucket in terms of world GDP, prevalent outside of China, or independent of government/non-profit aid. The truth lies somewhere in between.

To download the full document:



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