Thursday, March 21, 2013

Publication: Regional cooperation for energy access and energy security in south and south-west Asia: prospects and challenges by UNESCAP

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Regional cooperation for energy access and energy security in south and south-west Asia: prospects and challenges

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This paper, prepared by the Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), highlights the major energy challenges that countries in the south and south west Asia sub-region are facing. It explores the linkages between energy and sustainable development, in particular the relevance of energy resources to poverty alleviation, gender equity, provision of education and health services, and protection of the environment. The report argues that the absence of lifeline energy is a dimension of economic deprivation, which exacerbates social vulnerabilities and inequalities. On the basis of a detailed review of the energy and sustainable development landscape, the report identifies five core areas where the countries of the sub-region can collaborate: improved utilisation of unequally distributed energy resources; establishment of energy infrastructure; addressing the challenge of energy access; promotion of renewable energy and efficient energy use; and the creation of sub-regional energy markets.

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