Friday, March 8, 2013

Events: Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities: Asian Urbanism and Beyond (15-17 Aug 2013) (registration before 31 May 2013 free of charge) organized by CUHK

Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities: Asian Urbanism and Beyond (15-17 Aug 2013)

Date: 15-17 August 2013 (Thursday to Saturday) 
Language: English
Venue: LT6, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK

The theme “Asian Urbanism and Beyond” is set for scholars around the globe to explore the nature, evolution and uniqueness of urbanization issues and processes in Asian mega-cities, especially surrounding the relevancy of theories developed in Western contexts in describing, explaining and prescribing urban phenomena in the diverse social, economic and political Asian contexts.

Most Asian cities are ‘incomplete democracies’. Governments of the more developed Asian cities are dubbed the developmental or even entrepreneurial states.  Asian governments usually play a central top-down role in the development process, playing critical roles in mapping out growth strategies, constructing mega-infrastructure projects and attracting foreign investments. However, states in Asia are facing intensified globalisation and the accompanied pressure to deregulate (go neo-liberal) as well as a rising civil society and its demand for a bigger voice in the development process. It is therefore meaningful to bring together urban scholars to investigate the driving forces, the formidable challenges and the societal consequences of and responses to growth and developments in Asian mega-cities.            

Keynote Speakers: 
Professor Harry DIMITRIOU, University College London
Professor Chaolin GU, Tsinghua University
Professor Anne HAILA, University of Helsinki
Professor Ananya ROY, University of California
Professor Fulong WUUniversity College London

On or before 31 May 2013: Free of charge
On or after 1 June 2013: HK$500 registration fee
[* Registration package includes tea breaks and all meals related to the Conference program, a USB (with participants’ abstracts) and post-conference technical tour]

Ms. Ally Wong (852) 3943 5122
Ms. Felicia Yiu (852) 3943 5100


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