Saturday, March 9, 2013

Events: UNU Interactive Seminar: Extending Environmental Governance Across Borders on 29 Mar 2013

UNU Interactive Seminar: Extending Environmental Governance Across Borders

DATE / TIME : 2013•03•29    15:00 – 17:30

UNU Interactive Seminar on Global Issues #19

“Extending Environmental Governance Across Borders: East Asian Perspectives”

Opening Remarks
  • Kazuhiro Ueta, Dean, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University
  • Akihisa Mori, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
  • Kiyoshi Fujikawa, Professor, Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University
  • Seonghee Kim, Researcher, Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
  • Hideyuki Mori, President, Institute for Global Environmental Strategy (IGES), Japan
  • Shunji Matsuoka, Professor, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Director, Institute for Global Sustainability, and General Manager, Campus Asia-EAUI Program, Waseda University
East Asia’s rapid economic growth has intensified economic interconnectedness, stimulating the push towards regional economic integration. At the same time, Asia’s rise has wreaked havoc on the environment, not only at the local and national levels, but at the regional and global levels as well.
In the 1990s, Japan took the lead in addressing this issue in the region. Since then, the approach has shifted from aid and cooperation to regional governance and multilateral negotiation. However, given that East Asia has no region-wide institution comparable to the European Union, several important questions remain: Should East Asia wait until the major nations are rich and developed enough to address these environmental problems on their own? Or can the region capitalize on the rising norms of the global environmental regime, learning to effectively apply environmental policy instruments already used in more advanced regions?
In this interactive seminar, Akihisa Mori, editor of the recently published UNU Press book Environmental Governance for Sustainable Development: East Asian Perspectives will address the development of national environmental policies, new approaches to environmental aid, emerging regional environmental governance and private sector provision of environmental governance. Kiyoshi Fujikawa and Seonghee Kim, contributors to the volume, will discuss the costs and benefits of establishing an East Asian common carbon market as a policy instrument to enhance regional environmental governance. They will also evaluate the energy efficiency standards and labelling programme — a case of cross-border diffusion of green energy policy and hybrid environmental governance, initiated jointly by host governments and multilateral firms.
Attendance is free, but advance registration (by 28 March) is required. Please click on the link above to access the online registration form.
For registration and more information:


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