Sunday, December 2, 2012

Events: Innovation in the Water Sector --- Addressing the Challenges by Learning the Lessons

Innovation in the Water Sector

13 Dec 12 - 13 Dec 12

Addressing the Challenges by Learning the Lessons

SOAS, London
Sponsored by
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Water is one of the major global resources that is fundamental to life. Water security is seen as key to urban processes, energy, food and ecosystems and we face growing threats from a host of drivers, including climate change and population growth. The aim of this conference is to learn from game-changing innovation examples from the UK Water sector to meet our own needs and those of world markets. How can we learn from the best ideas and practice examples? We want to learn about, the 'what?', the 'how?' and how our institutions can facilitate and accelerate innovation.

  • Context: To understand the drivers for innovation both in water security and institutional terms
  • To understand from game changing and successful projects what the ingredients for innovation have been across a very wide range of water sector thinking
  • To understand much more clearly how innovation can be enabled and accelerated by UK institutions
  • To demolish some stereotypes, myths and challenge some assumptions about innovation in the water sector
  • To produce a report on the outcomes of the meeting

Through the WSKEP support there are a limited number of free places for academics and research scientists from higher education and research institutes; if you would like to attend as a part of this funding please email your details to Bob Earll

For more information contact Bob Earll and to book see the CMS website
This conference has received the approval of The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management and will contribute to your CPD

Media Partners and Supporting Organisations:
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Event Flyers and Documents


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