Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Japanese Updates: Japan’s National Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Fiscal Year 2011 (Preliminary Figures)

Japan’s National Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Fiscal Year 2011
(Preliminary Figures)

The Ministry of the Environment summarized Japan’s National Greenhouse Gas Emissions (preliminary figures) in fiscal year (FY) 2011. Total emissions in FY2011 (preliminary figures1) were 1,307 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents, a 3.6% increase compared to those of the base year. Compared to those of FY2010, the emissions increased 3.9% due to an expansion of thermal power generation, etc.
Japan’s total greenhouse gas emissions in FY2011 (preliminary figures1) were 1,307 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents (Mt CO2 eq.). The emissions increased by 3.6 % (46 Mt CO2 eq.) compared to those of the base year2 under the Kyoto Protocol (FY1990 for CO2 CH4, N2O and calendar year (CY) 1995 for HFCs, PFCs, SF6). ,
Emissions increased by 3.9% (49 Mt CO2 eq.) when compared to those of FY2010 (1,258 Mt CO2 eq.), mainly due to an increase in CO2 emissions from power generation. The key driver for the rise in emissions is the increased fossil fuel consumption in response to the expansion of thermal power generation - although the amount of manufacturing production decreased due to the influence of the Great East Japan Earthquake, etc.
Concerning the estimation of the preliminary figures: this estimation of greenhouse gas emissions is based on annual data compiled from statistics from a variety of sources - however, some of this data is not yet available. For such data - for which FY2011 values are not available - the FY2010 values were used to estimate the preliminary figures. Therefore, there may be some differences in the preliminary figures reported here when compared to the final figures to be reported in April 2013.
Note: Although some statistics were affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake (e.g., missing data), no corrections were made for the preliminary figures. It is planned that this issue will have been addressed by the time the final figures are summarized as needed.
Concerning the relationship with the Kyoto Protocol target: the value “3.6% increase” does not take into account either the promotion of forest carbon sink measures or the Kyoto mechanisms - therefore, this value, and Japan’s Kyoto Protocol target “-6%” can not be directly compared.
Attached File:
December 5, 2012
Ministry of the Environment 
Government of Japan
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Office of Japan 
National Institute for Environmental Studies


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