Sunday, December 9, 2012

Publications: CO2 Emissions Outpace Economic Growth in Asia by Clean Air Portal (6 Dec 2012)

Clean Air Initiative

CO2 Emissions Outpace Economic Growth in Asia

Hong Kong, December 6, 2012
CO2 emissions from road transport rise faster than the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and are expected to double in the next seven years a new study by Clean Air Asia found. Emissions from electricity grow at about the same rate as the GDP and will double in 15 years. Road transport and electricity are major sources of CO2 emissions in Asia, emitting 5.26 billion tons of CO2 per year.
GDP grew with 8% in the period 2002-2010 but road transport emissions in Asia grew annually with 10.1% in the period 2002-2010, with transport emissions in China growing at a rate of 13.4%. The increase in transport emissions is line with an annual increase of 11.5% in the number of vehicles in developing Asia. Electricity consumption per person in China increased by 11% and in Vietnam by 18%, compared to 6% for Asia. Singapore demonstrated that it is possible to reduce the emission intensity through energy efficiency programs and policies that curb private vehicle ownership and use.
“Transport in Asia will have to change course to avert dangerous climate change”, said Sophie Punte, Executive Director of Clean Air Asia. “There are proven policies and technologies that can help decouple the growth of CO2 emissions in the transport sector from economic growth. The window of opportunity to implement low carbon transport policies is closing fast”.
The study presented at the Better Air Quality 2012 conference in Hong Kong provides policy makers in Asia with better access to reliable data on transport, energy and urban development, and can help in the planning, implementation and monitoring of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs). The Clean Air Asia study was supported by World Bank and other development agencies and international research institutes. The study included 13 Asian countries covering 95% of Asia’s population and 89% of the region’s GDP.
Future emissions of Particulate Matter or PM emissions, the main air pollutant from a health perspective, were more difficult to estimate due to lack of information, especially on the speed and scale that emission abatement technologies will be adopted. Information released by Clean Air Asia at the BAQ 2012 conference highlighted the deterioration of air quality in Asian cities with 70% of cities not meeting the most relaxed World Health Organization guideline value for PM10.
“Given the fast growing economies of many Asian countries, easily accessible data on air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions for two high emitting sectors presents a valuable set of indicators to key stakeholders working on development in Asia,” said Mary Barton Dock, Director of the World Bank’s Climate Policy and Finance Department.
Coal continues to dominate as the main electricity source at 70% and contributes to 91% of CO2 emissions from power generation. The use of non-fossil fuels doubled since 2000 but its share remains small at 19%. Although Asia’s per capita electricity consumption at 1501 kWh is still well below the OECD average of 8,483 kWh per capita, Asia is starting to close the gap with an average 6% annual growth rate in electricity use since 2000. Most countries have adopted targets for renewable energy, if these targets will be met and gradually made more ambitious this could slow down the increase in CO2 emissions from electricity generation.
Of the 460 million vehicles plying Asia’s roads, two-thirds are motorbikes and these contribute to only 10% of CO2 emissions. “Trucks make up only 9% of Asia’s vehicle population but are responsible for 54% of CO2 emissions from road transport” said Punte. “This is one of the reasons, China has launched a national green freight program to improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions from trucks.”
Executive summary: Accessing_Asia_2012_Edition_Executive_Summary.pdf
Main report Accessing_Asia_2012_Edition_MAIN_REPORT.pdf
Country profiles Accessing_Asia_2012_Edition_Country_Profiles.pdf
Guidelines Accessing_Asia_2012_Edition_Guidelines.pdf
About BAQ (
The biennial BAQ conference is the leading event on air quality in Asia. Organized for the 7th time BAQ 2012 brings together over 700 policy and decision makers as well as experts and NGO representatives in Hong Kong to learn, exchange information, and find ways to work together to bring back bluer skies to Asia. The conference covers transport, energy, industry, and climate change, with a particular emphasis on more effective government policies and measures.
BAQ 2012 is co-organized by Clean Air Asia, the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. It is organized in partnership with the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank and supported by a wide range of international organizations including the United Nations Environment Program. The conference takes place from December 5 to 7, 2012.
About Clean Air Asia (
Clean Air Asia, formerly Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities, is the leading regional air quality network in Asia. The organization’s mission is “to promote better air quality and livable cities by translating knowledge to policies and actions that reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from transport, energy and other sectors.” Clean Air Asia was established in 2002 and now has offices in Manila, Beijing, and Delhi. It is supported by 8 country networks, and over 230 partnership members.


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