Monday, December 24, 2012

Japanese Updates: Great East Japan Earthquake Information Page by NIES (20 Dec 2012)

Great East Japan Earthquake Information Page

The National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) continue to extend our sincerest sympathies to all the victims of the disaster, and have, since March 29, been contributing to recovery efforts as the Disaster Rescue and Recovery Headquarters on the three fronts of - disaster waste management measures; cooperation with local environmental research institutes; and timely and appropriate information provision.
For disaster waste in particular, we have both established a network of experts and researchers who collate specialized knowledge and provide help on technical fronts, and dispatched our researchers directly to the disaster zone. We actively disseminate technical information based on the up-to-the-minute situation and needs of those concerned while liaising with the Ministry of the Environment and local authorities to execute effective disaster waste management.
The purpose of the below page is to introduce the initiatives which our institute is undertaking towards rescue and recovery efforts for the disaster. We hope to continue to provide thorough information and humbly entreat your full support and cooperation in these endeavors.
  1. - Appropriate treatment and disposal of disaster waste and waste contaminated by radioactive substances
    - Tsukuba City radioactive materials and radiation
    Environmental information media, Kankyo Tenboudai
    (“Information Platform for Environmental Outlook”)
Ⅲ. Disaster information sources


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