Saturday, December 15, 2012

Publications: CBD Technical Series No. 61 Biological and Cultural Diversity in Coastal Communities Exploring the Potential of Satoumi for Implementing the Ecosystem Approach in the Japanese Archipelago (Dec 2012)

CBD Technical Series No. 61

Biological and Cultural Diversity in Coastal Communities
Exploring the Potential of Satoumi for Implementing the Ecosystem Approach in the Japanese Archipelago

Foreword by the exeCutive seCretary oF the Cbd 
Foreword by the Governor oF ishikawa PreFeCture
Executive summary 

    1. relevanCe oF satoumi to the Cbd mandate 
    2.  mainstreaminG satoumi in JaPanese national PoliCy: introduCtion to the Case studies

    1.  shiretoko: exPandinG Fisheries Co-manaGement to eCosystem-based manaGement 
    2.  satoumi to inteGrate resourCe Conservation and use: sandFish Fisheries in akita PreFeCture
    3.  Fisher aCtivities to Conserve the eCosystem oF toyama bay
         Box 1: Uotsukirin — The Fish-Breeding Forest 
    4.  multi-stakeholder dialoGue initiatives in nanao bay
         Box 2: Oyster shell nurseries – using aquaculture waste for biodiversity management
    5.  the ama-san oF heGura island: CarryinG on the traditions oF her anCestors—over 1,400 years oF    
         Community-based resourCe manaGement 
          Box 3: Agehama-style salt making traditions in Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa Prefecture
    6.  satoumi at work: an urban ProJeCt in tokyo
         Box 4: Partnership for environmental education and ecosystem restoration: The case of  eelgrass bed
    7.  towards satoumi in aGo bay
    8.  mobilizinG loCal wisdom and sCientiFiC knowledGe: re-CreatinG eelGrass beds in okayama
    9.  tidal Flat restoration in the yamaGuChi est uary
         Box 5: Ecological links between terrestrial and coastal areas in the Yura river estuary and the Tango Sea
  10. okinawa: eFFeCtive Conservation PraCtiCes From satoumi in a Coral reeF eCosystem

III. Overview articles
      1.  satoumi and institutional CharaCteristiCs oF JaPanese Coastal Fishery manaGement
           Box 6: Kisetsu-sadame
      2.  synthesis: emerGinG satoumi PraCtiCes For biodiversity manaGement in human inFluenCed Coastal eCosystems 

Published by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. ISBN: 92-9225-384-0
Copyright © 2011, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
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