Sunday, December 23, 2012

Publication: Capacity Assessment and Awareness Raising on Climate Change in Tajikistan by Livia Bizikova, World Bank, UNDP Tajikistan, 2012 (19 Dec 2012)

Capacity Assessment and Awareness Raising on Climate Change in Tajikistan

» Livia Bizikova, World Bank, UNDP Tajikistan, 2012.Paper, 74 pages, copyright: UNDP TajikistanThe present Participatory Scenario Development (PSD) report was commissioned as one of the outputs of Phase I of the Pilot Programme for Climate Resiliency (PPCR) in Tajikistan. 

The primary task of the present report is to present the findings on capacity building and awareness raising on climate change in Tajikistan using the PSD approach, which aimed to identify priorities, development trends and gaps of key stakeholders in adaptive capacity, propose recommendations and thus complement the priority components identified in the Strategic Programme for Climate Resilience (SPCR). 

The results of the report are mainly based on the views and proposals of the participants of PSD training sessions, which covered the main regions of Tajikistan.

The begining of the Executive Summary
The development of strategies to adapt to climate change has evolved into a multidisciplinary approach that links natural and social science, policy-makers, experts and non-experts, and traditional and scientific knowledge. There are many challenges in designing adaptations among somany stakeholders while trying to make sure the adaptations not only respond to the projected impacts of climate change but also promote long-term resilience in conjunction with other development measures. To address these challenges, researchers and practitioners suggested participatory scenario development (PSD) approaches, which were successfully tested in a number of countries in the context of climate change adaptation. PSD is applied in the multistakeholder context to help anticipate and understand the consequences of climate change in the context of plausible socioeconomic futures, and then to identify well-suited adaptations that will reduce risk and increase resilience over different time horizons.

Tajikistan is one of the most vulnerable countries in Central Asia, with many development challenges dating back to the centrally planned Soviet system, as well as additional challenges experienced during the transition process. The population suffers from both relatively high sensitivity to potential climate change impacts and low adaptive capacity compared with other countries in the region (World Bank, 2009). To address some of these challenges in the context of climate change, Tajikistan is one of the countries in which the Strategic Program for Climate Resilience (SPCR) will be implemented. The program will include six investment and capacity building activities, totalling $50 million plus additional co-financing, with a focus on building capacity for climate resilience (improving service delivery related to weather, climate and hydrological issues); a climate science and modelling program to enhance the climate resilience of the energy sector; agriculture and sustainable land management; and building climate resilience in the Pyanj River basin.

Link to the publication:



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