Thursday, December 27, 2012

Events: No Impact Week at ADB (14-18 Jan 2013)

No Impact Week at ADB


From 14-18 January 2013, ADB will hold No Impact Week -- our contribution to the No Impact Project campaign that seeks to reduce our environmental impact and make our operations -- and ourselves -- more carbon neutral.


To raise awareness about the impacts of our institutional and individual behavior on the environment, health, and well-being of our communities and ultimately effect long-term change.

How It Works

Each day of the week has a specific theme:
Monday, 14 January - Trash: Stop making trash
Tuesday, 15 January - Transport: Switch to more sustainable transport
Wednesday, 16 January - Food: Eat local, eat less meat
Thursday, 17 January - Energy: Conserve energy
Friday, 18 January - Water: Consume less water
Participants sign-up will be asked to sign-up for the No Impact Week challenge and commit to activities based on each day's theme. Each day builds on the day before, so by Friday participants will have tried to consume less and make more sustainable choices n their energy, food, water, and transportation.

Target participants

All ADB staff, consultants, and contractors. External guests will be invited to observe. These include but are not limited to:
  • university students and professors,
  • representatives from the private sector,
  • NGO's,
  • and local governments.


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