Sunday, December 23, 2012

Events: Third Mediterranean Forest Week the Governments of Algeria, France, Germany, Tunisia and Turkey ( 17-21 Mar 2013)


Third Mediterranean Forest Week

The third Mediterranean Forest Week is being organized by the Governments of Algeria, France, Germany, Tunisia and Turkey along with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), the Secretariat of the Committee on Mediterranean Forestry Questions, l'Association Internationale Forêts Méditerranéennes (AIFM), Centre Technique Forestier Tropical (CTFT), The European Forest Institute (EFIMED), the Mediterranean Forests Model Network (MFMN), and Plan Bleu. The Week will be convened under the theme, "Mediterranean forests for sustainable development of territories: what strategies of mitigation and adaptation to global change". It will focus on strengthening links between the scientific community and other stakeholders working in, or reliant upon, Mediterranean Forests examining both the contribution of Mediterranean forests to economic development and ecosystem services and the links between climate change and Mediterranean forests.  
dates:17-21 March 2013  venue:Maison du Parc de Tlemcen  location:Algeria  additional:Tlemcen  www:

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