Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Conference: Abu Dhabi International Renewable Energy Conference (ADIREC) (15-17 Jan 2013)

Abu Dhabi International Renewable Energy Conference (ADIREC)

The Abu Dhabi International Renewable Energy Conference (ADIREC) brings together representatives from government, the private sector and civil society to discuss the advancement of renewable energy. The fifth such conference will be jointly organized with the sixth edition of the United Arab Emirates' World Future Energy Summit (WFES) and the International Water Summit 2013, and will follow the IRENA General Assembly meeting. Objectives of the conference are to analyze and highlight the achievements of the UN Secretary General’s Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) initiative, which was launched at the WFES 2012, and discuss the contribution of renewable energy to economic development, energy security and mitigation of climate change. The conference is expected to offer a strategic platform to discuss the impact of the 18th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 18) to the UNFCCC to be held in Qatar at the end of 2012, and the role of renewable energy on economic development, energy security and climate change mitigation. IREC is organized every two years and convened by the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21). The event will see thousands of participants engaging in dialogues on the policy, finance, business and technology of renewable energy in a series of panel discussions, presentations, speeches and exhibitions. The events are part of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week (ADSW).  
dates:15-17 January 2013  location:Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi), United Arab Emirates  contact:Jonathan Skeen REN 21 Consultant  phone: +33 1 44 37 50 98  e-mail:jonathan.skeen@ren21.net www:http://www.abudhabisustainabilityweek.com/

For more information: http://climate-l.iisd.org/events/fifth-international-renewable-energy-conference-irec/


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