Tuesday, December 11, 2012

S. Korean Updates: Environmental performance of clean diesel bus, overestimated by the industry (7 Dec 2012)


Environmental performance of clean diesel bus, overestimated by the industry


The Ministry of Environment conducted a feasibility study for disseminating CNG buses through analysis on environmental and economic performances of diesel and CNG buses via Korea Environment Institute and announced on the 7ththat environmental performance of EURO-5 diesel bus which is claimed to be a clean diesel bus by the industry is far below the performance of Compressed Natural Gas buses.
Measurements on the exhaust gases from the eight vehicles of EURO-5 diesel buses (diesel bus) and Compressed Natural Gas buses (CNG bus) of each manufacturer were carried out to ensure reliability.

According to the study, when compared the average value of pollution emission per kilometer at NIER-06 mode, the most similar mode to the average running speed (19.8km/h) of intra-city buses of Seoul, CNG buses had better environmental performance than diesel buses for CO, NOx, PM, CO2 and particle number.
NOx of diesel bus was 10.28g/km, 2.8 times the value of CNG bus, 3.62g/km, VOC was 5.33mg/km and 3.68mg/km each and CO was 1.82g/km and 0.06g/km.
Also, PM was discharged only from the diesel buses (0.04g per kilometer).
However, no CH4 was emitted from diesel buses but 7.4g/km from CNG buses, though the percentage of CHemission is just 0.14% of total CHemission in nation.

From the assessment on economic performance based on the results of the study, it was found that policy of disseminating CNG buses is feasible as economic performance of 73 million won per vehicle is expected.

Most of the experts proposed that it is necessary to develop and apply PM and NOx reduction technology for EURO-5 diesel bus to gain competence as environmentally friendly public transportation.

The Ministry is planning to reassess the environmental performance of diesel buses when EURO-6 diesel bus is released in 2014.



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