Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Events: Transforming Transportation 2013 by World Bank and the World Resources Institute's (WRI) sustainable transport center, EMBARQ (17-18 Jan 2013)

Transforming Transportation 2013

The World Bank and the World Resources Institute's (WRI) sustainable transport center, EMBARQ, will co-host the 10th annual "Transforming Transportation" event on sustainable transport. The 2013 agenda will discuss, inter alia: capitalizing on the multilateral development banks’ $175 billion commitment for sustainable transport made during Rio+20; opportunities for sustainable transport in China, India and Latin America; integrating urban transport and development; improving transport health and safety in cities; and bringing shared bicycle solutions to scale in developing countries.  
dates:17-18 January 2013  venue:World Bank  location:Washington (District of Columbia), United States of America  contact:Camilo Rodriguez, WRI  phone: +1-202-729-7769  e-mail:cramirez@wri.org www:http://www.embarq.org/en/transforming-transportation-2013

For more information: http://climate-l.iisd.org/events/transforming-transportation-2013/


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