Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Updates: Greenpeace, Guide to Greener Electronics (Nov 2012)

Guide to Greener Electronics

#1 wipro 

WIPRO 7.1/10

Wipro, an Indian electronics company that has previously participated in Indian editions of the Guide, makes its debut in the international version of Greenpeace’s Guide to Greener Electronics with 7.1 points – placing it in 1st position. 
Download Wipro report card
#2 hp 

HP 5.7/10

HP is still above most companies on the ranking, but has lost its top spot from the most recent edition of the Greenpeace Guide to Greener Electronics, and now sits in 2nd position, with 5.7 points, behind newcomer Wipro. 
Download HP report card
#3 nokia 

NOKIA 5.4/10

Nokia moves up to 3rd position in this edition of the Greenpeace Guide to Greener Electronics. After three years at 1st position, Nokia fell to 3rd in last year’s edition. 
Download Nokia report card
#4 ACER 

ACER 5.1/10

Acer moves up the ranking to 4th position, with a score of 5.1. Acer is showing a larger leadership role in its conversations with suppliers on a range of issues. This has resulted in increase scoring across the three criteria. 
Download Acer report card
#5 DELL 

DELL 4.6/10

Dell drops to 5th position, with 4.6 points. While Dell scores high overall, the company scores poorly on all Products criteria. 
Download Dell report card

APPLE 4.5/10

Apple drops to 6th position, with a score of 4.6. Though one of the high scorers in this edition, Apple misses out on points for lack of transparency. 
Download Apple report card

SAMSUNG 4.2/10

Samsung moves up to 7th position, with 4.2 points in this year’s Greenpeace Guide to Greener Electronics. Samsung is close to achieving a revised goal of eliminating some of the most hazardous substances from its products.
Download Samsung report card
#8 SONY 

SONY 4.1/10

Sony moves up to 8th position, with 4.1 points. Sony was a top scorer in last year’s Guide; it has lost significant points for not continuing its energy policy advocacy work for tougher greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets. 
Download Sony report card

LENOVO 3.9/10

Lenovo drops to 9th place in this edition of the Guide. Lenovo made progress since the last Guide, but did not reach its extended goal of eliminating these chemicals from all its products by the end of 2011. 
Download Lenovo report card

PHILIPS 3.8/10

Philips moves down to 10th position in the Greenpeace Guide to Greener Electronics, with 3.8 points. 
Download Philips report card

For more ranks and information:


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