Sunday, December 2, 2012

Events: Environmental Change and Security Program --- Tapping the Potential of Displaced Youth in Urban Settings

Tapping the Potential of Displaced Youth in Urban Settings

December 13, 2012 // 12:00pm — 2:00pm
Comparative Urban Studies Project

Young people escaping conflicts and natural disasters often flee to urban settings in search of economic security, food, and shelter. But they often arrive with limited resources and are vulnerable to exploitation and violence. Seen as unfairly taking jobs and resources, employers often turn them away, leaving them to rely on risky survival strategies or low-paying, unstable work in the informal economy and few prospects for an education.
This event will feature new research by the Women’s Refugee Commission on displaced young people in developing country cities. Panelists will highlight a number of successful interventions in India, Panama, Kenya and Egypt and make recommendations for UN agencies, donors, NGOs, and policymakers. 
5th Floor, Woodrow Wilson Center

Event Speakers List: 
  • Senior Program Officer, Economic Strengthening and Child Protection, Women’s Refugee Commission
  • Project Manager, Don Bosco India
  • Senior Program Officer for UNHCR and Gender, Children, and Youth Issues, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, U.S. Department of State


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