Sunday, December 2, 2012

CALL FOR PAPERS – International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management ( 30th March 2013)

CALL FOR PAPERS – International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management

The multidisciplinary International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management is currently assessing papers for inclusion in the special issue on Lay Rationalities of Climate Change, to be launched in 2013.
Climate change is now widely recognized as the major environmental problem facing the globe (UNEP – Climate Change). Lay rationalities focus on lay knowledge that integrates individual understandings, explanations, life experiences, perceptions and intervention on climate change. This subject garnered the interest of research and policy but also of populations facing this global environmental threat.
For this special issue, IJCCSM welcomes submissions on the following topics:
  • How local populations explain, interpret and deal with climate change?
  • Learning about Climate Change
  • Individual and collective action in response to climate change
  • Climate Change Adaptation and adjustment to threatening events (adapting to climate change: socio-ecological resilience)
  • Climate Change Mitigation (risk perception and risk-mitigating)
  • Climate Change Risk and Impact Perception
  • Traditional Knowledge about Climate Change
  • Social Inequalities and Climate Change
  • Intercultural Relations and Climate Change
You are kindly requested to submit your paper before the 30th March 2013
to the following email address: or
Guest Editors: Fatima Alves, Sandra Caeiro, and Ulisses M. Azeiteiro
Editor: Professor Walter Leal Filho
Expressions of interest should be sent to Dr. Maria de Fatima Pereira Alves

For more information: 


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