Sunday, June 9, 2013

Vietnamese Updates: The current stituation of environment pollution in Viet Nam (8 Jun 2013)

The current stituation of environment pollution in Viet Nam 
Thứ bẩy, ngày 08 tháng 06 năm 2013 cập nhật lúc 05:02

In recent years, economic development has led to the increase in irrational use of natural resources and fuel as well as environmental pollution. Apparently, environmental pollution and economic development is a paradoxical development of the country.
Along with environmental pollution in miningland environment is degraded due to the abuse fertilizerspesticideshigh-yield product development. It makes soils exhausting quickly, reduces soil fertility and degraded soilsThe natural forests are destroyed, the quality of forests degrade, the areas of forest cover also decreased rapidly. Rich forests and primary forests accounts for a small number whereas secondary forests account for the majority of forest areasThe switch of using poor forests to grow industrial plants; green-cover bare lands and hillsdevelop industrial zoneshydroelectrictraffic structuretourist bases and coastal cities have accounted for a large area of land and caused environmental pollutionThese activities occupy an area of ​​coastal casuarinasbreaking the natural guarding wall against storms and seawaterFloods, water logging seriously occurs partly due to natural disastersclimate change and partly due tohuman beings’ lack of awareness.
Environment water are seriously polluted due to cities and industrial zones’ waste containing hazardous materialsAccording toStatistics of Ministry of Planning and Investment (2006-2008) and survey data of Vietnam Environment Administration (October 2009), there are 223 industrial zones all over the country. However, there is only 32.7% of industrial zones using wastewater treatment systems (including industrial zones founded by the end of 2008). Including industrial zones in the capital construction by the end of 2008, there is43.3% of industrial zones using centralized wastewater treatment systemsThus, at least there is 56.7% of industrial zones neglecting the waste water treatment of the entities in the areas under their management. If businesses invest in wastewater treatment systemsaccording to standardsthey could not compete with others because the cost for this system will add at least 20% to production costThe cost for wastewater treatment is too expensive, increasing production cost and affecting the competitiveness of businesses. The impactsand potential risks of industrial zones’ wastewater system on ecological environment have become more apparentWastewater fromindustrial zones is one of the main causes to the pollution of drainage areaPress and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmentof Vietnam have spoken about environmental pollution in Dong Nai River and Thi Vai River due to businesses (including Vedan) which have discarded chemicals without treatment.
Air, dust, noise pollution and solid waste containing hazardous substances are increasing. The increase in exhaust emission fromvehicles in cities, from industrial zones has direct impacts on the health of labors and surrounding communitiesWaste and solid wastefrom the manufacturing facilitiesindustrial zonesresidential areas is rarely collected and treated. According to regulations, all ofindustrial zones must have classified solid waste classification and transit area. However, in reality, there are only a few of industrial zones constructing this categoryAccording to the Health Ministrythe total solid waste from health facilities throughout the country is about 300tons/ dayof which 40-50 tons is hazardous waste needs treatingThere are 62.3% of hospitals, which do not have wastewater treatmentsystemsThe modern incinerators achieving environmental standards only meet the need of 40of hospitals60of handcrafted burning.
Vietnam is among the top 10 countries in the world seriously affected by natural disastersEvery year, it is estimated thatVietnam has a total asset loss of approximately 1.5of GDPof which over 70of the loss belongs to the central provinces.
According to the World Economic ForumVietnam currently ranks the bottom among the ASEAN countries in environmentalsustainability.
Le Mai


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