Sunday, June 30, 2013

Events: Future of Wetlands and the Role of the Ramsar Convention organized by UNU on 4 Jul 2013

Future of Wetlands and the Role of the Ramsar Convention

DATE / TIME : July 4, 2013    14:00 - 17:00

Twenty years have passed since the fifth Conference of the Parties (COP5) of the Ramsar Convention (Ramsar Kushiro Conference) was held in Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan. The Kushiro Conference contributed a lot to raising public awareness, development of the citizens movement, and public participation in nature conservation, especially on wetlands in Japan.
This commemorative symposium of the 20th anniversary of the Ramsar COP5 in Kushiro — “Ramsar Kushiro Conference + 20: Future of Wetlands and the Role of the Ramsar Convention” — aims to review the progress of wetland conservation during the past 20 years, and to discuss the conservation and wise use of wetlands in the future, and the further role of the Ramsar Convention.
Simultaneous English-Japanese interpretation will be provided.
The symposium will feature presentations and a panel discussion. Participants will include:
  • Daniel Navid, former Secretary-General of the Ramsar Secretariat;
  • Lawrence Mason, Vice-Chair of the Kushiro Conference; 
  • Keiji Nakashima, Director, Wildlife Division, Ministry of the Environment of Japan; 
  • Makoto Suzuki, representative of the Kushiro City Government; 
  • Koji Oohata, representative of the Wild Bird Society of Japan; 
  • Satoshi Kobayashi, Professor, Kushiro Public University; and 
  • Yoshihiro Natori (coordinator), representative of Wetlands International Japan (WIJ).
To register for this symposium, or for more information, please visit the WIJ website.
This symposium is being co-organized by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, United Nations University Institute for Sustainability and Peace, Global Environment Outreach Centre, Ramsar Center Japan and Wetlands International Japan.

United Nations University
5-53-70 Jingumae
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925

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