Monday, June 10, 2013

Events: The Policy Climate: What progress in the world’s key regions? organized by CPI on 19 Jun 2013

The Policy Climate: What progress in the world’s key regions?

The Centre, Brussels, June 19, 2013 12:30 - 2
Despite the slow pace of international climate negotiations, the implementation of policy relevant to climate change, and its impact, has accelerated markedly over the last decade, according to the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI)’s latest report ‘The Policy Climate.’ The report summarises three decades of emissions and policies in critical regions – Europe, the U.S., China, India and Brazil – and offers lessons and insights from each.
Join us at the Centre, in Brussels, Belgium, for a presentation of the findings by CPI Senior Director, and the report’s primary author, David Nelson, followed by a debate with our expert panellists:
• Chris Vanden Bilcke, Head of the United Nations Environment Program’s EU Liaison Office
• Sir Graham Watson MEP, chair of the European Climate Parliament
Moderation by Martin Porter, Managing Director at Edelman Brussels
To register, send an email with ‘Climate’ in the subject line, clearly stating your name (and organisation) to


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