Sunday, June 16, 2013

Singaporean Updates: PUB, IES and professional bodies launch new initiatives to promote sustainable stormwater management by PUB and IES (31 May 2013)


PUB, IES and professional bodies launch new initiatives to promote sustainable stormwater management

Handbook on Managing Urban Runoff and ABC Waters Professional Registry offer the industry resource kit and design expertise for effective stormwater management systems

PUB, the national water agency and industry bodies – The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES), Singapore Institute of Architects (SIA) and Singapore Institute of Landscape Architects (SILA) – jointly launched two initiatives today. Both initiatives are aimed at providing developers and industry professionals with resources in the design and development of effective stormwater management systems.

The first initiative by PUB and IES is the Handbook on Managing Urban Runoff, which gives an overview of Singapore’s holistic approach in stormwater management, and showcases examples of “Source” and Receptor” measures which developers could implement in their projects. 

The second initiative by PUB, IES, SIA and SILA is the Active, Beautiful, Clean Waters (ABC Waters) Professional Registry. This Registry will offer developers who wish to incorporate ABC Waters design features in their projects with a pool of experts who are trained and qualified to provide professional advice on the design, implementation and maintenance of such features.

Handbook on Managing Urban Runoff
Jointly developed by PUB and IES, the Handbook on Managing Urban Runoff follows PUB’s recent announcement on the revisions to the Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage1 (COP), and is intended to help developers, architects and engineers better understand the holistic Source-Pathway-Receptor approach to stormwater management and address the technical considerations of the “Source” and “Receptor” measures.
The handbook showcases various concepts and case studies of on-site stormwater management and flood protection practices, as well as ABC Waters design features and structural detention and retention features that can be adopted to slow down surface runoff and reduce the peak flow of stormwater into the public drainage system. 

Active, Beautiful, Clean Waters (ABC Waters) Professional Registry
The launch of the ABC Waters Professional Registry follows the introduction of the ABC Waters Professional Programme in September 2011. Organised by IES, and supported by SIA, SILA, National Parks Boards (NParks), Housing Development Board (HDB), Land Transport Authority (LTA) and PUB, the Programme aims to strengthen industry knowledge and capability, and develop a pool of experts in ABC Waters design.

The ABC Waters Professional Programme comprises four core modules and four elective modules. Participants who meet the registration criteria of IES, SIA and SILA, and complete all four core modules and any two elective modules of the ABC Waters Professional Programme are eligible to be registered as an ABC Waters Professional.  To date, IES has conducted three runs of the programme with over 220 professionals who have attended at least one module of the Programme. Out of these, 40 participants have completed four core and two elective modules.

An ABC Waters Professional will design, oversee the construction of, and develop a maintenance plan for ABC Waters design features in a development.  He will also endorse the concept design, design calculations and detailed design of the ABC Waters design features in a development. On an annual basis he will inspect and endorse a Certificate of Inspection on ABC Waters design features, declaring that the ABC Waters design features have been inspected, and are maintained satisfactorily and functioning well.

“There is tremendous potential for developers to tap on ABC Waters design features to enhance aesthetics of the built environment, ensure that cleaner waters flow to our reservoirs, and slow down surface runoff. Likewise, having appropriate structural systems to manage stormwater is critical to protect the developments and mitigate the effects of any possible floods. It is just as important that these features and systems achieve their intended functions – by ensuring that at the development level, they are properly designed, constructed and maintained. In this respect, I am grateful for the strong support from the professional bodies in developing this registry and handbook. These are invaluable resources that the industry could tap on to create sustainable stormwater management systems,” said Mr Chew Men Leong, Chief Executive, PUB.

“IES is happy to collaborate with PUB to develop the Handbook on Managing Urban Runoff, which will help the industry when implementing elements or features onsite to reduce peak flows.  In the long-term, it is hoped that our water resources and water features will benefit from expert attention and be sustainably integrated into our lives for all to enjoy,” said Professor Chou Siaw Kiang, President of IES.

Information on the registered ABC Waters Professionals will be published and updated on the respective websites of IES, SIA and SILA. The Handbook on Managing Urban Runoff is available for download at
1PUB is revising the Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage as part of its holistic stormwater management strategy. The changes include a new requirement for developers to implement on-site measures to slow down surface runoff and reduce the peak flow of stormwater into the public drainage system, as well as administrative amendments made to some existing clauses to enhance their implementation. These revisions will take effect from 1 June 2013, with a six-month grace period for the implementation of the new clause on reducing peak flow and endorsement of plans by ABC Waters Professionals.
Click here for Annex A & B.


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