Monday, June 10, 2013

Events: Distinguished Speaker Seminar: Ian Davis - Reflections on Reducing Disaster Risks in the Asia and Pacific Region 1972-2013 organized by ADB Institute on 25 Jun 2013

Distinguished Speaker Seminar: Ian Davis - Reflections on Reducing Disaster Risks in the Asia and Pacific Region 1972-2013

ADBI, Tokyo, Japan : 25 June 2013


ADBI's Distinguished Speaker Seminar series brings eminent persons to ADBI to encourage debate among policymakers, researchers, academics, think tanks, and other audiences interested in economic development challenges in Asia, the Pacific and Europe.


Developing countries in the Asia and Pacific region are particularly exposed to risks from natural disasters. Of the ten major natural disasters with the highest death tolls across the world since 1980, seven occurred in developing countries in Asia. The loss in life and property from these disasters has been huge. The average annual direct economic loss due to disasters in the Asia and Pacific region in the period 2002–2011 is estimated at $65 billion, and the trend is rising.
In view of the severe economic and human impact of disasters, it is important to formulate and implement country-based and region-wide strategies to address and reduce such risks and their consequences.


Policymakers, academics and the general public.



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