Sunday, June 30, 2013

Events: Efficiency: Low-hanging Fruit of the Energy Challenge organized by ADB on 10 Jul 2013

Efficiency: Low-hanging Fruit of the Energy Challenge

Online, 14:00-15:00 Manila time/06:00- 07:00 GMT : 10 July 2013

As the lowest-cost energy resource of all, energy efficiency is crucial to developing a sustainable, affordable, and accessible energy system for all Asians. It is estimated that a 1%-4% investment in energy efficiency can meet as much as 25% of the projected increase in primary energy consumption in developing Asian countries, by 2030.
  1. Can demand-side energy efficiency contribute to Asia's energy independence?
  2. Why are large scale investments in energy efficiency not yet happening in Asia and the Pacific?
  3. What is the Asian Development Bank doing to advance energy efficiency and demand-side interventions in the region?
Join ADB energy experts Anthony Jude and Aiming Zhou in a live online discussion.
When: 14:00-15:00 Manila time/06:00-07:00GMT on Wednesday, 10 July 2013.
Access the chat here or send your questions in advance here or through Facebook or Twitter.

Anthony J. Jude

Anthony J. Jude is a Senior Advisor in the Office of the Director General of ADB’s Regional and Sustainable Development Department as well as Practice Leader of Energy. He has over 29 years of work experience in the energy sector as consultant, researcher and lecturer.

Aiming Zhou

Aiming Zhou is a Senior Energy Specialist in the Sustainable Infrastructure Division of ADB’s Regional and Sustainable Development Department at Asian Development Bank. Prior to joining ADB, he worked in the USA and the People’s Republic of China.


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