Wednesday, June 5, 2013

HK's Updates: Energy saving charters launch (5 Jun 2013)


Fresh city:
Secretary for the Environment KS Wong delivers a speech at the energy-saving charters' launch ceremony.

Energy saving charters launch

June 05, 2013
The Government today launched a pair of charters aimed at cutting electricity consumption, the Energy Saving Charter on Indoor Temperature, and the Energy Saving Charter on No Incandescent Light Bulbs.
Officiating at the launch ceremony today, Secretary for the Environment KS Wong pointed out that to combat climate change, we cannot afford to delay conserving energy or reducing our carbon footprint. He hoped Hong Kong would become an energy-efficient and low carbon city with better collaboration between Government, businesses and society.
Buildings account for more than 90% of total electricity consumption in Hong Kong and contribute more than 60% of greenhouse gas emissions, one third of which are caused by air conditioning. Shopping malls, shops, office premises and offices are invited to sign the Energy Saving Charter on Indoor Temperature.
So far, 32 developers and property-management companies have pledged to maintain an average indoor temperature at 120 shopping malls of between 24 and 26 degrees Celsius from June to September. In addition more than 550 retail shops, 170 office buildings and 440 organisations have signed up to the charter.
The Government also launched the Energy Saving Charter on No Incandescent Light Bulbs to expedite the retirement of energy-inefficient incandescent light bulbs. As they work by heating up a tungsten filament, only 10% of electricity consumption is used for lighting. Signatories pledged not to replenish their stocks of incandescent light bulbs and not to sell incandescent light bulbs from December 31.
The launch of energy-saving charters is one of the signature events under the "Hong Kong: Our Home" Campaign's Fresh Hong Kong theme, and aims to encourage the community to save energy and protect the environment.


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