Wednesday, June 12, 2013

[Energy Forum 15] Shaping our Energy Policy: Guangdong and Hong Kong in the Mix organized by Civic Exchange on 6 Jul 2013

[Energy Forum 15] Shaping our Energy Policy: Guangdong and Hong Kong in the Mix
In a continuous attempt to improve energy literacy and to facilitate energy policy discussion among Hong Kong stakeholders, Civic Exchange is organising an open forum to discuss Hong Kong’s energy outlook in light of local perspectives and regional circumstances. This energy forum will be the first of a three-part series in 2013.

As one of China’s fastest growing provinces, Guangdong is facing a real challenge in keeping up its economic growth and at the same time meeting both its energy and environmental goals, in light of national targets set under the 12th Five-year Plan, as well as the plan to cap domestic production and consumption of coal in China. While Guangdong is re-shaping its energy strategy, Hong Kong is also contemplating a new round of discussion over its long-term energy policy. How to prioritise among energy security, reliability, safety, environmental performance, and affordability? What are the views of Hong Kong people on energy mix and energy conservation? How would Guangdong’s energy plan affect Hong Kong, and vice versa?

Forum details:
Date: 6 July 2013 (Saturday)
Time: 09:00 – 12:05 (Registration & Mock Survey will start at 8:30)
Venue: Assembly Hall, 4/F, North Tower, YMCA
Address: 41 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Language: English (Simultaneous Interpretation will be provided in Mandarin)
Registration: This event is free of charge but registration is needed.


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