Saturday, June 1, 2013

Event: 9th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation And Protected Areas organized by SPREP on 2-6 Dec 2013

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Registration Opens:
1st March 2013
Final Registration Closes:
31st August 2013

History of the Conference
Nature conservation programmes in the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) are guided by this regional conservation conference that has met every 4-5 years since 1975 (see Table 1: list of past conferences). It has become the principal gathering of government agencies, NGOs, community-based organisations, donor agencies and individual experts concerned with conservation science and practice in the Pacific Islands region. It is an opportunity to set a Pacific based and initiated agenda for Pacific conservation for the next five years.
Each conference has generated an Action Strategy for Nature Conservation (Action Strategy) as a guiding framework for the next 4-5 years. The subsequent conference has reviewed progress achieved against the Action Strategy before considering outstanding issues and priorities for the years ahead.
The Action Strategy is the key over-arching or crosscutting strategy for biodiversity conservation in the Pacific Islands Region. The current strategy, 2008 - 2012, is a product of the 8th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas at Alotau, Papua New Guinea in October 2007. The current Action Strategy has taken the lessons articulated in the review of the 2003 – 2007 Action Strategy including the outcomes of the 8th Conference to formulate a new approach which is centred on 8 core principles for nature conservation in the Pacific. It is basically a code of conduct to guide the work of all those involved in nature conservation in the Pacific. It is important to note that the Action Strategy is significant because it provides a regional framework for conservation that guides Pacific island countries and territories, donors, NGOs and regional organisations. It also provides an additional resource lever and it is a document which Governments, NGOs, donors and regional organisations can commit themselves to implementing.
Since the 8th Conference in 2007, many accomplishments have been achieved in the Pacific such as the Micronesian Challenge, the Phoenix Island Protected Area which is one of the largest marine protected areas in the world, the expansion of the Locally Marine Managed Areas, the political support and commitment from the Pacific Forum Leaders to the Pacific Oceanscape Framework, and many other key accomplishments that have been widely recognised.
Table 1: List of Past Conferences:
Conference Number
1st Conference
National Parks and Reserves
New Zealand
2nd Conference
National Parks and Reserves
3rd Conference
Traditional conservation knowledge and practice
4th Conference
The role of protected areas in sustaining Pacific Island societies
5th Conference
Community involvement in conserving biodiversity in the South Pacific
6th Conference
Tools for Conservation
7th Conference
Mainstreaming nature conservation
Cook Islands
8th Conference
Conservation serving communities in a rapidly changing world
9th Conference
Natural solutions: building resilience for a changing Pacific

9th Conference Theme: 

Natural Solutions: Building Resilience for a Changing Pacific

Momentum has been gathering around the world to find natural solutions to the issues and impacts of climate change. Ecosystem services have become increasingly recognised as a fundamental approach to combat these threats to the Pacific environment and its communities. Climate change is predicted to have a range of impacts on island ecosystems and natural resources that are critical to current and future development. Some of these impacts are anticipated to be severe. It is increasingly recognised that a relevant response to these predicted impacts is the application of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) approaches. That is, the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services as part of an overall adaptation strategy to the adverse effects of climate change. 

By taking into account the ecosystem services on which people depend for their livelihoods and social and economic security, EbA integrates sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services in a comprehensive adaptation strategy (CBD 2009)[1]. Nature conservation and its role in sustainable development, growth of blue and green economies and community resilience is a key element in EbA approaches. 

It is proposed that the 9th Pacific Conference be organised within the framework of promoting natural solutions to the threats of climate change while developing community resilience through sustainable development and conservation of natural and physical resources. 

Key Conference Objectives
1. Review the Action Strategy 2008-2012 and formulate a new Action Strategy for 2013-2018
  • Assess progress in implementing the Principles of the Action Strategy for Nature Conservation and Protected Areas in the Pacific Islands Region 2008-2012.
  • Discuss and agree on priorities for the Action Strategy for Nature Conservation for 2013 – 2018, taking into account the potential to strengthen its relationship to implementation of EbA to climate change in the region, and also for helping countries to meet the Aichi Targets[2].
  • Identify and agree on specific key priority issues for the next 5-year period including innovative, practical and cost effective ways to address these issues.
  • Identify and agree on specific action to promote and implement natural solutions to climate change adaptation.
2. Promote natural solutions to address impacts of climate change
  • Review status of current ecosystem-based initiatives for climate change adaptation in the Pacific.
  • Identify how such initiatives can be strengthened and more effectively applied as adaptation solutions to impacts of climate change.
3. Review National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)
  • Assess progress in the implementation of National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans.
  • Identify priority areas to be considered in the NBSAP review process.
  • Provide a synthesis of the new priority targets for NBSAPs which will provide guidance and input to the setting of targets and priorities for the new Action Strategy for Nature Conservation.
4. CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas (PoWPA) and Programme of Work on Island Biodiversity (PoWIB)
  • Assess progress in the implementation of the CBD PoWPA and PoWIB.
  • Discuss and agree on ways to improve the implementation of these CBD programmes of work as a means for countries to meet the Aichi Targets.
5. Capacity Building, Knowledge Management and Learning
  • Identify capacity needs and opportunities to advance conservation efforts in the Pacific.
  • Identify and develop mechanisms to deliver capacity development initiatives such as the South-South Cooperation modality.
6. Investigate and secure sustainable funding initiatives and create a framework for robust governance around nature conservation work
  • Investigate and discuss sustainable funding initiatives for long-term investment in nature conservation work within the Pacific region.
  • Obtain support for long-term funding initiatives to achieve international, regional and national nature conservation and biodiversity targets.
  • Hold a high level segment meeting with SPREP member countries and territories to discuss governance issues around nature conservation work.
  • Obtain a commitment from SPREP member country and territory governments to endorse a framework and action plan to achieve greater returns on their investments in sustainable development and nature conservation.

Expected Conference Outputs
  • Implementation mechanisms identified for strengthening the development and application of natural solutions to climate change adaptation.
  • Success stories developed and shared on selected topics especially those on ecosystem based adaptation.
  • Recommendations to assist countries with the review of their NBSAPs.
  • Draft Action Strategy for Nature Conservation in the Pacific produced to guide conservation work for the next five years.
  • Support mechanisms and partnership arrangements developed to assist countries achieve the Aichi Targets, national and regional targets.
  • Mechanisms and options identified to implement Capacity Development Programmes for Nature Conservation in the Pacific.
  • New alliances and partnership forged to deliver on the Principles of the Action Strategy. 

    [1]CBD [Convention on Biological Diversity] 2009. Connecting Biodiversity and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Report of the Second Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biodiversity and Climate Change.Technical Series No. 41.
    [2] Aichi Targets are overarching international framework guiding the conservation of biodiversity. These targets were set under the Convention on Biological Diversity creating an updated Strategic Plan for Biodiversity at a global meeting in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Japan 2010. For more information see

How to Register:
Registration for this conference is only available through this website. Places are limited so early registration is advised.
Before completing online registration please review the contents of this webpage, particularly regarding conference registration fees, payments and cancellation policy.
Use the register now link at the bottom of this page to register for this conference. Once you submit your online registration form you will receive an automated confirmation email.

Registration closes on the 31st August 2013.

For your own records, please keep a copy of this registration form and any payments you have made.

Registration Fees:
The registration fees will assist in covering the costs associated with organising and running the conference. Welcome Packs will be available after completion of onsite registration at the event.
All registration fees are quoted in United States of America dollars (USD). All registration fees must be paid in USD.
Type of Registration
Registration Fee (USD)
Standard Rate
PIRT Members#
Government Representatives
Community Representatives
Student Rate*
       #If registering as a PIRT Member, your name will be cross-checked against the PIRT membership list
       *If registering as a student, you will be asked for evidence of current student status. 

For more information:


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