Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Call for paper: 5th conference on experience exchange and results of the implementation of SEA and EIA in Korea and Vietnam (Deadline: 31 May 2013)

Call for writing papers for the 5th conference on experience exchange and results of the implementation of SEA and EIA in Korea and Vietnam
Thứ tư, ngày 01 tháng 05 năm 2013 cập nhật lúc 12:11

Vietnam Environment Impact Assessment Association (VAFEIA) in collaboration with the Korea Environmental Impact Assessment Association (KSEIA) will organize a workshop to exchange experiences and results of the implementation of the Strategic Environmental Assessment ( SEA) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in Korea and Vietnam. The workshop will take place in  second or third week in August 2013  in Hanoi.

Conference organizers call all member of VAFEIA as well as local and foreign participants for writing papers for the workshop.

The articles can deal with all the issues related to the law, experience and results of SEA and EIA in Vietnam, Korea or other countries. In particular, the pressing issue in this fourth workshop is integrating climate change into SEA forwards strategy, planning, economic development planning and development.

The report will be written in Vietnamese with English summary or write in English with a summary in Vietnamese.
Submissions will be received until 31st May 2013 for summary and full text on 20 June, 2013 to the following E-mail addresses: Chairman: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Trinh ( Secretary: Dr.. Pham Khang (

Thanh Bình

For more information: 


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