Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Conference: 6th International Conference on Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Change (19-21 Aug 2013) organized by COAA and CUHK

6th International Conference on Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate Change (19-21 Aug 2013)

Co-organized by
Chinese-American Ocean and Atmosphere Association (COAA)


Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability (IEES),
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

First Circular Feb 13, 2013

Scientific Advisory Committee

Guanhua Xu (Chair), Ministry of Science & Technology of China
Guoxiong Wu (Co-Chair), Inst. of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Kuo-Nan Liou (Co-Chair), Dept of Atmospheric Sci., UCLA

Members (in the alphabetic order of last names):

C. P Chang, Naval Postgraduate School
Yihui Ding, National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration
Congbin Fu, Nanjing University
William K. Lau, Lab for Atmos. Research, NASA/GSFC, USA
Yee Leung, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bin Wang, University of Hawaii, USA
Wei-Chyung Wang, State University of New York, Albany, USA
Dalin Zhang, Dept of Atmos. & Oceanic Sci., University of Maryland, USA

Scientific Program Committee

Zhanqing Li (Chair), University of Maryland and Beijing Normal University
Fuzhong Weng (co-Chair), NESDIS, NOAA, College Park, MD
Song Yang (Co-Chair), Sun Yat-sen University

Members (in the alphabetic order of last names):

Johnny C.L. CHAN, School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong
Jen-Ping Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Long Chiu, George Mason University, VA, USA
Xiquan Dong, University of North Dakota, ND
Yihong Duan, Chinese Academy of Meteorology, Beijing
Yongyun Hu, Beijing University
Jianping Huang, Lanzhou University
Jonathan H. Jiang, JPL, California, USA
Zhihong Jiang, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
Lai-Yung (Ruby) Leung, Pacific Northwest National Lab, WA, USA
Jianping Li, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Neng-Huei Lin, National Taiwan University, Taipei
C.H. Sui, Dept of Atmos. Sci.  National Taiwan University, Taipei
Si-Chee Tsay, NASA/GSFC, USA
Bin Wang, Tsinghua University, Beijing
Dong xiao Wang, South China Sea Inst of Ocean, CAS, Guangzhou
Huijun Wang, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Renguang Wu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Yongkang Xue, UCLA, CA, USA
Ping Yang, Texas A&M University, TX, USA
Xiuqun Yang, Nanjing University, Nanjing
Yan Yin, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing
Panmao Zhai, Chinese Academy of Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration
Fuqing Zhang, Penn State University, Penn, USA
Guang Zhang, Scripps Inst of Oceanography, University of California, USA
Minghua Zhang, State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY, USA
Quanan Zheng, University of Maryland, MD, USA
Xiaolei Zou, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA

Local Organization Committee

Tung FUNG (Chair), Chinese University of Hong Kong
Cecilia S.S. Lam (co-Chair), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Derrick Lai (co-Chair), Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Tracy Chan (co-meeting secretary), Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Yongqin David Chen, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Zhang Wei, Chinese University of Hong Kong

COAA Coordinators

Kuanghua Wang, ESSIC, College Park, University of Maryland
Chung-Chu Teng, NOAA, MD, Silver Spring
Jingfeng Huang, NOAA-UMD, College Park, MD

Scientific Themes
  1. Climate Change, Impact and Adaptation
  2. Climate Modeling and Projection
  3. Aerosol, Pollution and Climate
  4. Cloud and Radiation Budget
  5. Remote Sensing
  6. Data Assimilation and Weather Prediction
  7. Precipitation and Hydrology
  8. Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction
  9. Oceanography (Physics, Chemistry and Biology)
  10. Monsoon and Tropical Meteorology
  11. Severe Weather and Typhoon
  12. Land-Atmosphere Interactions
  13. The Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate of the Pearl Delta and South China Sea


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