Sunday, May 19, 2013

Malaysian Updates: Will protect pristine forests: Malaysian minister (16 May 2013)

Will protect pristine forests: Malaysian minister
Last Updated: Thursday, May 16, 2013, 17:11

Kuala Lumpur: G Palanivel, the new Malaysian environment minister on Thursday promised to protect the pristine forests of the tropical nation through sustainable management of the country's natural resources.

Journalist-turned-politician Palanivel, an ethnic Indian and the leader Malaysia's largest ethnic Indian based political party MIC, said he was ready to face any challenge on various environmental issues following his appointment as Natural Resources and Environment Minister.

"It is a challenging ministry and I hope to play a role in protecting and nurturing our environment," he said after Prime Minister Najib Razak announced the Cabinet line-up on Wednesday.

Palanivel said it was an interesting ministry to head due to its wide-ranging areas of interest.

In the May 5 Elections, Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) won four out of nine parliamentary seats contested, which is one more than its three-seat victory in 2008.

S Subramaniam, the deputy president of the ruling Barisan Nasional component party, has been named the new Health Minister.

MIC vice-president M Saravanan will be will the deputy minister of Youth and Sport.

P Kamalanathan, the party's youth coordinator, will be Deputy Minister II in the Ministry of Education and Higher Learning.




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