Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Publication: Science-Policy Dialogue on Challenges of Global Environmental Change in Southeast Asia — A Policy Brief by Marwaan Macan-Markar, Linda Anne Stevenson, Xiaojun Deng (Apr 2013)

Science-Policy Dialogue on Challenges of Global Environmental Change in Southeast Asia — A Policy Brief


In light of the UNFCCC COP17 in Durban (December 2011), Planet under Pressure Conference in London (March 2012) and the Rio+20 Conference in Rio de Janeiro (June 2012), the APN-START Science-Policy Dialogue (SPD) on Challenges of Global Environmental Change in Southeast Asia aimed to promote informed decision-making on actions to reduce global environmental change vulnerability and promote climate adaptation strategies.
The SPD, held in Bangkok, Thailand, 19–21 July 2012, was attended by 98 scientists and mid-level policy makers from Southeast Asia, including invited experts on global change science, senior policy makers in the region, and observers from Temperate East Asia and South Asia.
Hosted by the Southeast Asia START Regional Center with support from APN and START (through a grant from USGCRP), the threeday dialogue confirmed the need for fostering stronger partnerships between the scientific and policy communities, and the need to incorporate others from the private sector to help shape adaptation strategies. Such sustained partnerships would benefit from a range of science-based policy options for both short- and long-terms.


Marwaan Macan-Markar, Linda Anne Stevenson, Xiaojun Deng


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