Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Call for abstracts: GREENHOUSE 2013: The science of Climate Change (Deadline: 24 May 2013)


Adelaide Convention Centre
Tuesday 8th – Friday 11th October, 2013

GREENHOUSE 2013: A joint Australian - New Zealand event

The latest in climate change science, communication and policy from leading presenters from Australia and around the world.
GREENHOUSE 2013 will feature briefings on the contents of the IPCC 5th Assessment Report. The Working Group 1 (science) Summary for Policymakers will be released shortly before our conference.


Abstract submissions
The Program Committee welcomes abstracts in the following topic areas. on topics in line with the conference theme, including areas such as:

A. Atmosphere, oceans, biosphere and the land
Observations, monitoring and trends

B. Climate modelling and projections
Methods and advances; likely future climate

C. Climate variability and extreme events
Large-scale drivers and dynamics

D. Impacts, adaptation and mitigation
Agriculture, infrastructure, biodiversity, health, community; Energy efficiency, emission reductions and renewable energy

E. Communication and policy
Approaches, practice, case studies and research

When you submit your abstract you will be asked to indicate the stream you are submitting within. You will also be asked to request either a verbal or a poster presentation. The number of verbal presentations will be limited, and you may be offered the opportunity to present a poster should we be unable to offer you a verbal presentation.

Acceptance criteria

    1.  Abstract must be relevant to the Conference
    2.  Research and conclusions presented must be evidence-based
    3.  Abstract must be submitted via conference website (Note: maximum abstract length is 400 words)

The Conference Program Committee reserves the right to accept or reject abstracts. The Committee may also allocate some abstracts as posters – preference for verbal presentations will be given to those who are already registered to attend the conference.

Presenting authors are responsible for originality and the accuracy of the content and spelling as abstracts will be published as submitted, subject to reformatting that may be required by Conference Organisers. You will need to meet your own travel, accommodation and registration expenses, and take responsibility for transport and storage of presentation materials. Accepted abstracts may be published in the Conference Handbook, on the Conference website, and electronically.

Only abstracts submitted online through the conference website will be considered for inclusion in the conference.

Please note that presenting authors must be registered delegates, and pay the registration fee.


24 May 2013
Deadline for submission of abstracts 
Add to calendar
21 June 2013
Notification of acceptance 
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31 July 2013
Presenter & Early Bird registration closes 
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8 October 2013
GREENHOUSE 2013 commences 
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