Monday, May 27, 2013

Event: Plasticity Hong Kong 2013, 5-7 Jun 2013

An International Exploration into the Future of Plastics
Hong Kong, June 5-7th, 2013
 Full Day Event on the 6th of June at the Asia Society

Working Agenda

This three-day forum and site tour presents forward-thinking, solution-based products, processes and case studies that are replicable and scalable throughout the world.  Through a program of keynotes, case studies and panel discussions, the future of plastics is re-imagined, and shown to be in full force.  Coupled with additional events on the 5th and the 7th, Plasticity is sure to bring a large, new level of understanding and excitement about the opportunities and challenges that face brands, governments and the community, with a goal of creating a world where plastic is used, but with less impact on our waste infrastructures, and the environment. 

JUNE 5th - 2:00pm – 5:00pm

Hong Kong Redefines the Future of Waste Management

HK Stock Exchange Auditorium
A lively session which showcases the opportunities and benefits of what environmental conflict resolution can bring to a community.  As the second event in a series of seminars throughout the year, brought to you by the Hong Kong University Legal Department, and Ocean Recovery Alliance, this event focuses on one of Hong Kong’s hottest topics – what to do with our waste as our landfills are rapidly reaching full capacity?  Learn about the pros, cons and opportunities which can help bring value to our city’s waste stream, and see how a moderated session can lead to some interesting outcomes. 

Free event – register by sending an email to Ms. Phelane Tsang -

JUNE 6th - Plasticity Forum, Asia Society, 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty

8:00 - 9:00

Doug Woodring, Founder – Plasticity

Where we stand today, and where we are headed.  Some sytems have proven to be broken, while others are beginning to thrive.  The winners will likely be those who get in front, engage with their customers, and bring back new value to the communities in which they operate.

New Value Creation for Brands, Users and Recipients 
Steve Rochlin, Senior Fellow - Business Civic Leadership Center

Turning waste to resource can be a technical issue, one of scale, one of societal acceptance, a new way of focusing, or all of the above.  What are the limits in our world today which have kept waste from becoming the resource it is?  What are the metrics, financial gains, brand reputations, and community activities which will transform our thinking, creating the tipping point for opportunities to present themselves to virtually all types of industries?

Reimagining the Future
Dr. Mike Biddle, Founder - MBA Polymers

 Dr. Biddle will present the “War on Waste” and how his organization has created a global plastics
 recycling business.  What did it take to get there, and what is required to propel
 plastics recycling forward on a global scale.  Dr. Biddle has built MBA Polymers into the worlds most
 advanced plastics recycling business by combining deep technical expertise and entrepreneurial
 brilliance with a drive to close the loop. Through his talks and lectures, Dr Biddle continues to
 inspire other entrepreneurs to develop innovative hi-tech solutions in the waste sector.

Networking Break

Innovation in Action
Dr. Ulrich Liman, Vice President of Production and Development - Bayer Material Science

What are the latest innovations in plastics, sustainability, and end-of-life solutions? Dr. Liman provides an idea of what it takes to innovate, design and develop new products for a wide variety of industries to benefit from.  Learn how these changes are helping reduce our impact on the environment, and the burdens on waste infrastructure our governments are faced with.   

Networking Lunch

Radical or Rational?  A Conversation on Clean Water and Plastics
Phil King, Chief Person Against Dirty - Hong Kong, Method
Merijn Everaarts, Founder, CEO - Dopper and the Dopper Foundation

This conversation will focus on models for providing clean, safe drinking water to the world and reducing plastic waste. Examples include case studies from around the world and how good design can provide products that are beautiful, practical, sustainable, and give back to the communities which use them.

Next Gen Voice for the Future
This panel introduces you to novel thinking and innovative approaches in reframing the future of plastics.  Learn how these students reveal their out-of-the-box thinking.

Bio-Plastics Panel: The Ins and Outs of Bio Materials.  How Can Brands and Municipalities Can Capitalize
Steve Davies, Director - Marketing & Public Affairs, Nature Works:
Dasdy Lin, International Liason - Plastic Industry Development Center, Taiwan

Learn about the ups, downs, complexities and opportunities that have been experienced over the years since the introduction of bio-plastics to the world market.  What has worked, and what hasn’t.  What does it take to achieve a true cradle-to-cradle life cycle, and how can you sidestep some of the challenges that conventional petro-plastics have had along the way.  Whether a brand, marketing manager, or government leader, this discussion is for you.  Case studies in “closing the loop” will include how the 2012 London Olympics achieved a zero waste scenario, and what Taiwan is doing to spur one of the most advanced bio-plastic roadmaps in the world today.

Networking Break
Why the World Bank Cares
Angus Friday, World Bank – Director, Global Partnership for Oceans
Last year the World Bank announced a US$1.5bn fund for the ocean.  Solid waste and plastic pollution is one of the pillars of their efforts in an exciting new program to bring countries together to help restore the health of our ocean, which we all depend on for livelihood.  Learn how your company, city or country can be part of this opportunity for change. (Virtual Presentation)
Hong Kong’s Look to the Future
Christine Loh, Undersecretary for the Environment, HKSAR
Hong Kong is known for its liaise faire economy, allowing business to flourish while not always focusing on the externalities that are created along the way.  But in areas where problems have built up, the city has a reputation of reinventing itself with opportunities.  The city’s waste problem is one of these such issues, having relied on landfills as the main option of disposal, with plastic making up almost 19% of the total by weight.  Learn how a city can change its course, allowing for sustained growth, innovative solutions, and a reinvention of the resources which we have at hand, today known as waste. 
Upcyle This!
Illac Diaz, Founder, One Liter of Light
Upcycle this!  Learn how materials can be used in amazing ways to bring light and education to low income communities.  The Liter of Light project has been scaling up the use of a used soda bottle, some bleach, and contact cement, to make a cheap DIY light, using only sunlight, to shine in the homes of low income communities around the world. 

5:30 – 8:00

JUNE 7th, 9:00am – 5:00pm

Field Trip to MBA Polymer Recycling Facility and Toyota, China’s largest car factory
Take a behind-the-scenes tour of one of China’s most advanced plastic recycling/sorting facilities.  Just a one-hour ferry ride from Hong Kong, the group will get an in depth look of what MBA Polymers is doing in terms of plastic e-waste recycling, and how Toyota plans for the future with a high level of recycled content, and recyclability in its products. Lunch will be provided in between the two site visits.   Space is limited, and is on a first-come basis for those who are registered at Plasticity.  A China visa is required by any foreigner visiting China, and this must be arranged on your own.   Please register with Ms. Shu Pu at


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