Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Events: 2013 Summer Garage Sale & Market at HKUST organized by HKUST on 15 Jun 2013

2013 Summer Garage Sale & Market at HKUST

Date   :   Saturday, 15 June 2013
Time   :   9:30 am – 1:30 pm

Venue : LG3 Car Park at HKUST Clear Water Bay (from the main entrance of the University turn left at the "Red Bird" roundabout and take the road down the hill towards Towers 1 & 2.  Take the second turn right into the covered car park - it will be signposted.

The Summer Garage Sale & Market is run on a non-profit making basis and all surplus funds will be donated to charity and will have over 190 tables selling a wide variety of new & secondhand goods.  This event supports the 5-R's (Re-cycle, Re-duce, Re-place, Re-think and Re-use) and is open to the general public as well as HKUST staff & their families, students and alumni.  Parking, food & drinks available.  Entrance is free.

Reservation of table is necessary.  Table reservations are to be made before 8 May and payment of table hire fee to be completed within 1 week of e-mail registration.

Cost for each table (table size approx. 6ft x 2 ft – 1800mm x 600mm) is HK$80 per table for selling only secondhand items or HK$200 per table for selling commercial items (this includes items purchased for re-sale which are included with secondhand items).

To make a reservation send an e-mail to requesting your table reservation, together with your name, e-mail address, contact (mobile) telephone number and if commercial items are being sold, please indicate the type of goods which will be on sale.

Charity Donation Boxes will be located in a separate area on the right-hand side of the entrance to the Garage Sale for clothes, shoes, bags, toys, books and household items etc in good condition which you may wish to donate to support the HKUST Student Charities.  

To obtain further information contact :
Jean Hudson - 9045 5942 / (Garage Sale Co-ordinator) or Cantonese speaker 2358 6443


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