Sunday, May 19, 2013

New Books: Sustainable Environment : Balancing Growth With The Environment published by Published by Cengage Learning Asia (May 2013)

Sustainable Environment : Balancing Growth With The Environment

Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC) 
Ministry of National Development, Singapore 
National Environment Agency (NEA) 
Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources, Singapore 

Published by Cengage Learning Asia 
Copyright 2013
ISBN 13: 9789814510189

Description :

Sustainable Environment: Balancing Growth with the Environment - In spite of rapid urbanisation and industrialisation, Singapore has enjoyed a high quality ‘Clean and Green’ environment. This was achieved by maintaining an intricate balance between development and sustainability. Over time, the balancing act has turned into an economic advantage and a virtuous cycle. This study presents a historical account of the environmental and economic policy objectives, including the trade-offs required and the implementation of adaptive environmental policy to meet changing economic demands. Two main ideas emerge as crucial. First, Singapore did not adopt the conventional ‘develop first, clean up later’ approach. It viewed a clean and green Singapore as a differentiating strategy to its international competitiveness, creating jobs, and providing security for its people. Second, environment values were observed early, as severe natural resource constraints confronted policy-makers at every turn. To ensure resource efficiency and frugality in the use of its environmental capital, policy-makers made use of the market, by putting in place pricing policies, along with strict regulatory controls. Use of technology and policy innovation were also vital. This study is framed along two key dilemmas – the need for economic growth versus environmental preservation, and the realisation of short-term versus long term-benefits.

The Singapore Urban Systems Studies Booklet Series draws on original Urban Systems Studies research by the Centre for Liveable Cities, Singapore (CLC) into Singapore’s development over the last half-century. The series is organised around domains such as water, transport, housing, planning, industry and the environment. Developed in close collaboration with relevant government agencies and drawing on exclusive interviews with pioneer leaders, these practitioner-centric booklets present a succinct overview and key principles of Singapore’s development model.

  • Uses the CLC Framework for Liveable and Sustainable Cities to examine how Singapore has responded to a complex urban challenge and remained at the forefront of urban development
  • Traces the evolution of environmental policies in adapting to changing economic landscape through making deliberate tradeoffs, tough decisions and compromises on the environment to achieve sustainability
  • Provides insights into the economic tools and mechanisms used to ensure resource efficiency correct externalities on environment and enhance economic competitiveness
  • Examines policy foundations and paths that drove and enabled Singapore to turn its environment into a competitive advantage
  • Includes primary material including interviews with the country’s urban pioneer and leaders

Professionals in urban sustainability, environmental planning and management and other related practitioners in Singapore and other cities. Members of the public interested in the development and history of modern Singapore, especially its environmental policies.

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