Friday, April 19, 2013

Events: 5th NARBO General Meeting organized by NARBO on 15 - 18 May 2013

5th NARBO General Meeting
Chiang Mai, Thailand : 15 May 2013 - 18 May 2013

The Network of Asian River Basin Organizations (NARBO) holds its general meeting every two years in accordance with the NARBO Charter to showcase activities of member river basin organizations (RBOs), review past activities, and discuss an action program for the next two years. The meeting usually includes a study visit of the river basin managed by the host RBO and workshops on important issues related to integrated water resources management (IWRM). The general meeting involves:

  • Reporting activities and results over the last two years;
  • Presenting and adopting the work plan for the next two years;
  • Selecting the constitutional body for the next two years; and
  • Accepting new members.
Amendments to the charter, as needed, are also approved during the meeting.

ADB supported the establishment of NARBO in February 2004 to promote and achieve IWRM in Asia and the Pacific. NARBO’s 4th General Meeting was held in Makassar, Indonesia in November 2010. This 5th General Meeting will be hosted by the Thailand Water Resources Association and the Metropolitan Waterworks Authority.

The meeting is being organized by NARBO in collaboration with the Asia-Pacific Water Summit in Chiang Mai, Thailand on 19-20 May 2013.

Representatives from NARBO member organizations will participate. As of March 2013, there are 76 NARBO member organizations. Representatives from organizations interested in joining NARBO and observers are also expected to attend.

The registration form will be posted at the NARBO website. Member organizations that will also participate in the 2nd Asia-Pacific Water Summit should also accomplish and submit the summit registration form to the NARBO secretariat.

For more information:


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