Thursday, April 11, 2013

Event: New Open Access Journal Now Accepting Submissions: Earth Perspectives – Transdisciplinarity Enabled (2 Apr 2013)

New Open Access Journal Now Accepting Submissions: Earth Perspectives – Transdisciplinarity Enabled

cda_displayimageEarth Perspectives – Transdisciplinarity Enabled focuses on publishing and promoting integrating approaches to research, analysis and prediction of the Earth System, including the role of humans that either contribute to and/or are affected by the Earth System variability and changes. The journal’s intent is to bring together rich scientific knowledge and experience residing within natural and social sciences and humanities towards developing solutions and best practices that can be used in addressing contemporary socioeconomic development challenges facing the nations around the world. This holistic approach to global sustainability requires a transdisciplinary research agenda to be enabled by the scholarly papers published in Earth Perspectives.
The journal will build on the scientific foundation established by the Earth System Sciences studies that have enabled a major focus on interactions among the major Earth system spheres (i.e. litho-, hydro-, bio-, atmosphere) which have increasingly improved our ability to assess the consequences of the complex interactions within and among these spheres. The global society needs better access to this scientific knowledge to inform social, economic and development decisions in light of a fast growing population, competition for natural resources, and frequent occurrence of extreme weather and climate events. The journal will foster such approach to research and provision of science-based information for decision-making with the aim to demonstrate the benefits of science and technology in serving the needs of society.
Earth Perspectives – Transdisciplinarity Enabled shall publish topics on Earth-Human interactions and their influence on major global cycles of water, energy, nutrients, ecosystems and associated services, environment, and health with a major focus on socioeconomic aspects and human decisions. The transdisciplinary approach is required to address complex environmental challenges by natural and social sciences with due consideration to economics. Innovative engineering solutions will benefit greatly the global sustainability agenda and bring about the societal transformations to meet the needs of current and future generation of Earth inhabitants.

Now accepting submissions

Earth Perspectives is accepting submissions; please use the online submission system to submit your manuscript. If you are submitting a manuscript to a particular Special Issue, please refer to its specific name in your covering letter. For all enquiries about the journal, please contact:

Editorial Board

Editors in Chief
• Ghassem Asrar, World Climate Research Program/WMO, Switzerland
• Thomas Krafft, Maastricht University, Netherlands
• Michael Piasecki, The City College of New York, United States of America
• Michael Schaepman, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Associate Editors
• Dieter Gerten, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany
• Beth Holland, University of the South Pacific, Fiji
• Krishna Kumar Kanikicharla, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, India
• Hong Liao, Chinese Academy of Science, China
• G.V.S. Murthy, Indian Institute of Public Health, India
• Raghuram Murtugudde, University of Maryland, United States of America
• Alberto Piola, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
• Mimi Sheller, Drexel University, United States of America
• Vivek Singh, Indian Institute of Public Health, India
• Li Xiubin, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, China
For more information:


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