Monday, April 22, 2013

Events: The Green Revolution in China organized by WILSON CENTER on 30 Apr 2013


The Green Revolution in China

April 30, 2013 // 2:00pm — 4:00pm

Drawing on his chapter in the recently published chinadialogue book China and the Environment: The Green Revolution, Liu Jianqiang will relate the role that NGOs, news media and community leaders played in forming an environmental movement opposing a dam on the Tiger Leaping Gorge. This project on the upper Yangtze River has received considerably less attention than the grassroots opposition to the Nujiang dams, but is an equally insightful example of growing citizen activism against large dams. 
Judith Shapiro will set the stage for Liu Jianqiang’s discussion, drawing on her bookChina’s Environmental Challenges to talk about civil society and environmental justice trends in China. She will also highlight the traditional and evolving role of China’s engaged environmental journalists, such as Binyan Liu, Lihong Shi, Zhinong Xi.
We will also show a short clip of the documentary Waking the Green Tiger, which was directed and written by Gary Marcuse. 
6th Floor, Woodrow Wilson Center
Event Speakers List: 


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