Monday, April 29, 2013

Events: CPI Webinar: The Policy Climate organized by CPI on 14 May 2013

CPI Webinar: The Policy Climate

May 14, 2013 8 am PDT / 11 am EST / 4 pm BST

This webinar will share the results of The Policy Climate, in which CPI offers an overview of policy issues relevant to climate change across the world over the last thirty years. We find that the implementation of policy relevant to climate change, and its impact, accelerated markedly over the last decade, despite the slow pace of international climate negotiations.
The webinar will focus on high-level findings from:
  • Brazil, China, India, Europe, and the United States—These regions not only represent the majority of global greenhouse gas emissions but vary widely in terms of economic development, natural resource endowment, political system, and climate policy, and can offer different lessons to policymakers;
  • The economic sectors that represent the greatest potential for greenhouse gas mitigation within each of these regions; and
  • A defined set of policy issues within these regions and key sectors that most affect climate change.
Senior Director David Nelson will present.


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